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Everything posted by Lonzo

  1. 2 dollars
  2. Lonzo

    WTB scrap

  3. Lonzo

    WTB scrap

  4. Lonzo

    WTB scrap

    I’ll buy 100k
  5. Lonzo

    WTB scrap

    Don’t worry bout it how much scrap u got
  6. Lonzo

    WTB scrap

    As much as u got How much u got
  7. Lonzo

    WTB scrap

  8. 2m
  9. 7m
  10. Have dp15 3c fa sale
  11. Price?
  12. o7 lil nigga finna bout time you started enjoy life Brother Rev Goofy
  13. i just want the no betting cap so i can bet big shmoney or increase cap
  14. you aint wrong but casino has a bigger impact on not doing runs becuase most people do runs just to gamble (me), and most of the time they come up big or become broke again, nothing is wrong with coin flips having a cap if they have a cap it should at least even out with casino and be 10m thats how im up put the last 10m i had on green then right after blacklisted myself to keep me from losing money, but i still do the coin flips i like the coin flips better tho becuase its a 50/50 chance not 80/20 compared to the casino, i feel as more people would coing flip if the cap ws increased because the coin flips are 50/50 increase the caps more betters.
  15. Lonzo

    Wtb Gear and wps

    I’ll buy em all @ Albo
  16. Price?
  17. 5m bet?
  18. It’s cool got it back tho
  19. Na I’m just good at what I do There hasn’t been any bugs with the coin flips last one I remembered was the atm trick
  20. I think the betting cap should be increased to even out with casinos
  21. Title
  22. Anything else for sale?
  23. Dey gon be allowed back
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