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Everything posted by Phunky

  1. My current day job title is 'Senior Backend Developer'. Though the majority of my work at this job (been there over 2 years) is web based dev, it is mostly internal tools that are used to organized, maintain, and manipulate data. I also write tons of system scripts that automate processes between our server which wouldnt be considered web dev. Before this job, I ran a large Garry's Mod Community as owner and lead developer for over 6 years. I used primarily Lua for gmod, with the occasional mix of a few other langs/tools. The 6 years of game dev taught me proper code design and practices for optimal speed, hardware usage, network usage, and hack/exploit prevention. These fundamentals are universal across all platforms, though executed in slightly different ways. I have personal and/or professional experience with PHP, Javascript, CSS, Lua, python, C#, C++ for programming langs as well as extensive knowledge of MySQL, ElasticSearch, Redis as well as proper database architecture for them all. Whereas I dont know, and also dont care to learn .sqf, I can assist in proper design of code, finding/debugging and providing methods on fixing exploits, as well as write custom .dll serverside files to give provide new functions and abilities to arma code that are otherwise impossible (.dll files allow arma code to use custom made functions that do OS related things)
  2. Voted for shades bc whenever I talk to him this is all I can think about
  3. Lets CS:Bro down
  4. Sure, go get me a coffee!
  5. As a developer it is a requirement to have a typo in all messagesd. I was just informed of this rule; will change before ban
  6. Greetings Olympians! I am Phunky, your newest addition to the development team! AI have been playing on Olympus for about a month now, and have probably arrested you a few times (Or if you are Tree, gotten robbed by!). I am a experienced 29 year old web developer who's very eager to do whatever I can to help out the staff and community members. I like to think anything is possible and hope to prove this during my tenure. Since I am relatively new to the community, feel free to shoot me a message introducing yourself as I would love to get to know you. Also feel free to let me know any new features you guys would like on the website (especially staff/department functions!) and we can talk about! Oh, and if you see me rolling around on patrol in the servers take it easy on me because I am definitely a bot.
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