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PO Box

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Everything posted by PO Box

  1. Agreed with the punching like DayZ. No need to turn Altis into Mortal Combat.
  2. That VIP Kidnapping was amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PO Box

      PO Box

      POTP holdin it down!

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Bullshite. Corporal_moob's .50 cal sortin shit out. RIP Travis.

    4. RogueMK


      sucks that i missed this!!

  3. Around 3 - 5 days ish sometimes quicker sometimes longer, but just be patient they'll get to you when they can. And with Interviews they kind of happen when a Sergeant or higher is available, I don't think there is a set schedule. My advice once you get accepted just sit in the interview channel and be patient.
  4. I have an i5-4690k with a Sapphire R9 280 and a Gigabyte Z97X Gaming 7 and I absolutely love it. The 16gb of RAM help too
  5. Alright, I tried to not say anything. Every time I see you involved in a situation you are constantly yelling rules at people "I'm 12 and you broke this rule and that rule, you can't do that as a cop, read the handbook, blah blah" Gets old bud. Second, don't you dare disrespect admins. Last time Hades made a post about people not showing the proper respect to admins, all you did was "why did you ban me Hades i get your mad, im 12 why did you ban me when am i unbanned" then you had the BALLS to make a status post about the SAME thing the following day. Dude you have 0 room to talk, matter of fact please go to Asylum.
  6. Well Lemnos, or Altis as you might know it, is not a shitty country somewhere. It's actually a fairly visited tourist place. So again, if you want to talk realism.. they don't have choppers going around with rebels hanging off the bench Source: Lemnos Look familiar? Just saying.
  7. If you really want to pull the realistic card.. then when do you ever see a helicopter full of rebels flying around with people sitting on its benches with AR's drawn and ready to fire. If anything, the cops keeping the drug low and constantly patrol is more realistic than anything.. Our job is to keep the crime down, if you really want it to be realistic then let the cops camp illegal locations and set up sting ops instead of us rolling in from 500 meters away with sirens and lights on? Not trying to be disrespectful, but you seem to be complaining because you are getting caught.
  8. Titans will come back but they are being worked on. And checkpoints are used, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.Think of Santa Clause
  9. Oh please, first it was "There isn't enough cops, big gangs do whatever they want, get more cops" now you are complaining that there are too many? just wow.. I'm only going to say one thing. Cops have to always warn you, we can't just roll in silently. You will always have time to react to cops, we cannot shoot unless we verbally warn you and give you time to surrender or you fire at us first. We always will text you giving you plenty of warnings. We have some pretty loud sirens that we have to use before we get too close to a redzone.. That being said, if you don't have time to react or are simply outnumbers do one of two things 1. Work with a group 2. Pick Peaches EDIT: Also, I've gotten out of 1 mil + bounty without serving jail time. Learn to roleplay correctly and you'll be amazed at how cops will treat you. And with the checkpoints, I do them pretty often only problem is that most people avoid them regardless and it just turns into a high speed chase that ends up in a gunfight.
  10. The reason that I don't want PO's or lower getting helicopters is because the main reason of the idea is to minimize the amount of air traffic. As it is, way too many helicopters fly around without a worry. Letting it inflate even more by giving lower ranks access to them will not help solve the problem
  11. I like some, they actually follow the rules while others in there think they are above the rules just because of the people in the gang.
  12. I will help out as much as I can with donating and spreading the word. My prayers go out to you and your family.
  13. They all have Pros and Cons Katiba is only a 6.5 but has a 30 round mag MK18 has high recoil but has a decent mag Rahim is good if you land your shots but short mag TRG is well, the TRG is just the TRG
  14. PO Box

    So CNN

    LOL How will Snake respond
  15. PO Box

    So CNN

    This is the best way I can describe 420.
  16. PO Box

    So CNN

    420 is number 13 XD
  17. They made an articles about acronyms that every parents should use.. and well I must say that most of them just made me flat out laugh because of how they think they are common but in reality are never used as much as they think if any at all Anyways, what do you guys think Source: CNN
  18. So, who is going to try out H1Z1?

    1. yarddonky


      When does it come out?

    2. Billcosbywarfare


      *Awkward don't even know what it is about*

  19. Agreed, I have a Sapphire Dual-X R9 280 and I love it.
  20. I have an i5-4690k so I cannot say I know what you mean
  21. I sometimes drop to 40 from 50 and think its bad.. wow. How wrong am I
  22. wow that's insane
  23. Just ask your brother lool You sir are one of the brave.
  24. To anyone who plays this game at below 20 FPS
  25. I think the real MVP is the dog, so much effort.
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