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PO Box

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Everything posted by PO Box

  1. What gangs are still alive from back in the day?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      1 hour ago, PO Box said:

      I'm talking about 2014-2015 era lmao 

      Waiting on Badaim and cLoak for Velocity v2

    3. Zahzi


      4 hours ago, SPBojo said:

      MC was the longest lasting gang on olympus, its now Tree that holds that honor.

      DB has been here for awhile as well. Some time prewipe.

    4. Linka


      MC is still here!!!!!

  2. PO Box


    Long time no see!
  3. PO Box


  4. If you don't have patience during this tedious process, then being an actual cop will be hard. Wait for your time and it'll come. Keep in mind that Senior APD that do interview have their own IRL things to do aside from all the administrative things they do behind the scenes, so sometimes interviews aren't priority.
  5. hehe xd

    1. QKSILVR73


      Hey was going to rez you when you tried arresting me and my gang member shot ya last night.

    2. Dustin87
  6. Yo guiz I make a 360 noscope montage hehe xd

  7. I need friends :DD

    1. Corporal Moob
    2. PO Box

      PO Box

      HI THERE! Beaner truck drive by or what? XD

    3. Dustin87


      Add me on steam if you'd like. Ill MSG it to you. Hopefully you remember me as POTP Dustin

  8. So quick question.. I've noticed the donations are a bit different than before, can I still achieve that VIP status with $100? and how can I check my donor level unless it got reworked and all that. Thanks in advance!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      @Poseidon Can correct me if I am wrong, but at this time you cannot achieve Tier 5 legacy perks by donating now. However, to achieve the VIP tag on the forums, access to the VIP section on the Forums, the VIP Tag in TS, and a personal TS channel (protected by a password of your choice), the total donations would have to meet 250. 

    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      Alright thank you Peter, always being helpful :D

    4. Peter Long
  9. PO Box


  10. PO Box


    Ye like the big old boat ya know that planes come and go. haha yes I'm talking about a carrier
  11. PO Box


    Thank you
  12. PO Box


    Yeah haha finally!
  13. PO Box


    The boat! Work is definitely time consuming haha
  14. PO Box


  15. Nicely done guys!
  16. Going to try and be AC
  17. I fly out to Pensacola tonight
  18. Today I graduated from boot camp. Hooyah Navy, now its soon time to get back to Arma. See you all soon in game
  19. I want to say that today I gave the first ticket on Server 1. #History. I leave for basic with a mark ;)

    1. Tdog


      Wasn't it too a guy speeding on a quad heading to peach fields?

    2. PO Box

      PO Box

      shhh the details don't matter :D

  20. Trash talking and with a perma'd player from this community imo if you are going to talk trash on players/gangs you shouldn't post it on the forums otherwise I assure you the admins will not like it.
  21. Your logic melts my brain. You are quitting because you don't want to start over yet by quitting you are starting over.. umm correct me if I'm wrong but are you a potato?
  22. PO Box


    So antisocial jeez. That's not how you make friends
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