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Everything posted by karmaa

  1. finally 100 negative rep <3 This one was one of my favorites
  2. actually the other way around i was the bully
  3. cause i asked for compensation for my 50k Y that i lost and he said no EVERYONE i have reported i asked for compensation first they said no and told me to go report them, cause they know 80% of people would not go report them and just leave it while i do report them some of my reports even end up getting permanent bans for things like Scripts and mass RDM and other stuff
  4. all of thoose were people either spam RDM passenger seat killing me or Combat log while im playing vigilante so its 100% ruining my entire gameplay so therefore i report it have only done 1 NLR report amongst my 60 player reports and that was on Guardian as he was enemy gang i killed him watched him respawn and all of a sudden hes back behind me body camping me
  5. you were an ill intent
  6. all my posts are good fuck you plus someone have to give the admins some work
  7. im here to fix the server and cleanup this mess
  8. oh i have 2 full pages of reports
  9. OOF there is so many retards in the world this is just from like 3 or 4 hours of footage https://gyazo.com/1080a03c38cdb9110e1627558f8a0224 Tried linking attachments but apperantly its to big
  10. remove all normal hatchback skins and all Quadbike skins noone uses that
  11. 10 feds per month to keep the uniforms gotta have some demands of Activity in order to determine whos active or not right?
  12. karmaa


    for all i care you might be but doesnt change the fact ive never seen you tagged with the name moncler
  13. karmaa


    untagged Grim talking shit lol..
  14. karmaa


    says the one with a retarded ass APD Forum rank LMAO
  15. please change music in ur Signature video holy shit my ears are still vibrating
  16. still remember the time i talked to ikiled on Teamspeak and called you a faggot and he pulled you in and said "hey Ryan, Karma called you a faggot." than a little bit after you pulled kyle in and told him i called him a faggot and his reply was "well i do gargle dick for a living so hes not wrong." best day of my life
  17. Noone beats Ikiled on anything best staff by far! he hunts cheaters the same way as we hunt Degenerates on Olympus <3 when i grow up i wanna be just like Ikiled <3
  18. i play here hoping to someday get the feeling i used to get in arma 2 ILRPG days but i dont think thats ever gonna happend but idk the community is kinda nice here
  19. im used to hawk and pledge posting toxic shit like that so dont worry fair enough it wasnt pledge this time tho it was some other random but thanks for a proper response i appreciate it <3 what do you mean just makes these posts to get people to reply? im a man with alot of questions ofc im out for replies <3 my posts are straight up a meme tho trynna see how much negative rep i can farm like with buff vigi posts and stuff i love you and the community you helped create tho <3 okey i can totally understand it than, but if you look at it from a random players perspective it does look weird but i understand
  20. i checked yesterday havent checked today but it baffles me that she has been inactive for 1 month before action is taken while others are semi inactive and gets dropped
  21. so why isnt pink forced out of her position they didnt love they got forced out
  22. so many silent bois wish everyone voiced themself more
  23. how isnt TI punished for being late?
  24. hawk i was putting a question there cause this is what happend to ILRPG back on Arma 2 and that server died than and i dont want it happening again
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