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Everything posted by Sagebrush

  1. Tempest is fairly slow, tractor unupgraded is 1/2 the speed.
  2. Yes it would be more expensive, and vecome uninsurable, to insure balance.
  3. Yeah, but does the tempest device make sense, the device is a literal NEUCLEAR WARHEAD
  4. . Yes, but also heroine, cocaine, corn sugar, yeast, ephedra, weed, and musherooms
  5. Back when the contact dlc released, i had hope that some of the new vehicles would have an interesting niche to fill in olympus, sadly the contact dlc came; and the covered truck became a suv wanabee, and the tractor a meme macine; however i propose that some massive changes be made to the humble show tractor as a uninsurable tempest device with zero armor, but it can mine plant based resources 1.5 - 2 - 3 times faster. Creating interesting ways to rework run strats and enhance the thrill of raiding, and being raided.
  6. Sagebrush


    The price was too good to be true.
  7. Thats sexy, too bad that if i bought it, i would have too muck gear fear to use it.
  8. My gang has channels on discord for banking in da shed, and keeping track of guns; have one bank master create a message that will be constantly edited, and have members put in transactions like ```Remove 400 frog acid Crassus``` Id show you a screenshot, except for that would reveal classified gang information.
  9. that's a rarity.
  10. the cops should have really thought about what they were trying to achieve.
  11. Long story short, get a house to store finished shit, if the markets go down.
  12. The death of s3, god im glad my gang left that server.
  13. Blame my buddy hes the one who cliped it, im the one with the spar 17
  14. We know, the second cop materialized out of nowhere, which makes this hillarious.
  15. https://streamable.com/v5wgi
  16. Congrats, that was a tough sale to try to make.
  17. Could make an interesting gang mechanic, selling shares of a gang.
  18. if u still got it, can pay 500k can argue up if need be, but am fair with trades.
  19. got level 4 helmets lmao.
  20. Big oof, reminds me of my gangs old gang shed on s3. We ended up moving not because we got camped, but because the s3 hours changed Ps it was 600 meters from the old frog processor.
  21. U wasted ur money, although i will admit, weed is better than ppl think it is.
  22. Cant rn, theres an angry dog between me and my pc. Sorry tyronne, shouldve checked ur gang, our gangs are at war, too big a risk of getting ripped off. Cant buy
  23. Cant rn, theres an angry dog between me and my pc.
  24. Driving home rn will be on in 30
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