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About DocThomas

  • Birthday 08/09/1988

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Kavala Mining Company
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  1. that was really good lol
  2. just remembered lol, a friend of mine paired the 2gb 750 TI FTW with that same processor and he streams at 2k while running 70+ FPS while driving through towns
  3. Wheat, to prevent bottlenecks in the hardware, you're gonna want an Nvidia card, one like papa's would work perfectly, intel and nvidia are built to work best together, same with amd and ati. I personally run an amd build, but unfortunately do not have benchmarks at the moment, mobo is getting repaired lol http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487034 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487028 Either of these would work well, only difference between the 2 is vram, one has 2gb, the other has 1gb the FTW edition 750 TIs are nearly identical to a 770
  4. not just you lol, ill be quite drunk myself
  5. honestly, I get RMDed all the time, and unfortunately I am unable to record because of how bad this computer is, its tough for me to read the chat as it is, would be even worse if it was recorded. My solution to the whole RDM problem, stay the hell out of towns unless you have friends In the end all that money and all those vehicles are nothing but pixels on my screen. I play for fun, taking a game serious aint good for your health lol, ive got healing ulcers and grey hair to prove it.
  6. severely limited on my playtime until my MOBO comes back from MSI, dang cheap PSU took it with it

  7. figured it should be said, if you wanna look at realism, look at ANY person who sells drugs, nearly all of them have been caught by the cops and served time at one time or another, just part of the risk of making your money that way. I currently make mine running legal stuff because the risk to run drugs was too great when i started, but thats a choice i made to RP
  8. thats the truth, i always worried about money before then, now i dont even worry about it lol
  9. made my first mil running platinum, did a boxer full, came out to something like 400 or 500 grand bought a tempest after that and made another 750
  10. TRG is alright for close range against targets without a vest, but personally id just grab a pdw in that case, cheaper and lighter the katiba is my personal favorite, when i need a good primary for potential close to medium range engagements, I like to pair it with the ARCO
  11. Im with Doctor on this lol, kinda goes without saying
  12. all 3 of those model trucks are a bit flammable lol, if you even tap a fence they go boom lol
  13. I got a good one lol. So I had just finished a silver run, was taking the money back to the atm in athira when as soon as I parked my vehicle I get a text to put my hands up or die. So im sitting there thinking I am about to be robbed, even had a few gang mates en route to come save me, when I noticed it was TREF, so I hop in their teamspeak and talk with them while they load me into the helicopter. We fly to some island in the gulf where they inform me that some members needed to be initiated, and I would be sacrificed. So i'm preparing to die when they tell me I can save myself if I knew any good You're Momma jokes. Unfortunately I couldnt remember a single joke because I was laughing so hard, so they took me into a circle and started chanting some strange things before the new guys executed me. In the end, it was some awesome RP from a good group of guys, I enjoyed myself even if i did have to die. *EDIT* had the gang wrong, fixed it
  14. I play at single digit FPS if there is more than 15 people on a server lol using an All-In-One with a 1.3 Ghz APU until i can get a new PSU for my gaming rig. it gets really unbearable some times, ill lag so badly that if i pull out a vehicle and drive off, for everyone else i never left, but my front tires are turning, ive died multiple times because of that
  15. I've never taken or been a hostage (except the one time PcP took me, bastards <3) so I cant really relate, but from the videos ive seen on here, they dont seem to take the demands too seriously and 9 times out 10, the hostage dies because of it. possibly looking up a manual for actual hostage negotiations and adapting it to the game would help, my clan does the same with actual military manuals and it works extremely well.
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