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Skeeter McGraw

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Skeeter McGraw last won the day on December 13 2014

Skeeter McGraw had the most liked content!


About Skeeter McGraw

  • Birthday 08/21/1996

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Yet here you are, responding to the forum post. Just let it go. Well see you begging in side chat in a week.
  2. I got like Kav sq houses and Weed houses. I just sit on em
  3. Overclocking gives minimum performance on armed assualt 3
  4. Hey man, What can we say other than that?
  5. What the fuck is going on with the server? The stability is absolute ass.

    1. Millennium


      Your mom’s belly do be pretty wobbly

  6. Breaks server rules, and gets banned? Anti are you that retarded that you don't understand that is what happens.
  7. My girl has 4 pillows on each side of the bed for us. Plus 3 pillows on the couch and 2 on the loveseat in our “family” room and our living room downstairs. Not to mention the 2 she’s already bought for our nursery. For a grand total of 20 pillows in our house so far.
  8. DayZ mechanics make great rp servers if the people know what they are doing. Very vast. Ehh maybe. Didn’t do it with arma 3 or dayz stand-alone.
  9. When dweebs buy reforger it delays arma 4. Bohemia won’t release the game until the reforger cow is dry.
  10. Im like 99% sure that I have seen Ryan or someone say not to buy houses in red zones as they can bug out and you won’t get comped for it. So just a fair warning.
  11. Any proof? Or just another reason to stir the pot?
  12. Don’t beat around the bush come out and say it lol. The reason silla and cob win feds is because they have people on cop who throw it? If you truly believe that then I’m sorry. You obviously are very out of touch.
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