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Everything posted by Codyhellbringer

  1. Lol this is too funny. Only took a year to figure out and the numbers aren't even accurate.


    1. Mark_McLeod


      Hey whatever man now people know that they can use their "exploits" for at least a year without anyone catching on.


  2. how much did i make? [medic] Cody
  3. Love the red gull skin and i think and red burger/ blue King skin would be sick. Keep up the awesome work man @Muthinator
  4. 1. Most Dominate Gang : Kavala Scats 2. Favorite Player : EatMeth & Trenton the God 3. Favorite current APD Member : Couldn't care less 4. Favorite R&R Member : Richard Hurtz pretty much the same as saying no one 5. Favorite former APD member : Ace 6. Favorite former R&R : Chronorpheus 7. Kavala Troll King : All of Kavala valet service and [Taxi]Marty 8. OS member to most abuse powers: Peter Shlong 9. Dankest Memer: Dan banks/Yoitssssdanyyyyyyyy1/dannyfunk 10. Favorite time on the server : Exploiting Bodys and selling the items through my house as a black market 11. Funniest Moment : When i found out Tman got Air Responder when all he could use was auto hover 12. Something you want in the community : A less toxic/cringey community 13. Favorite Quote : "MEDIC ETA" - Every one who has Threatened a Medic ever 14. Best Hitler Impersonator : [Head R&R Cord]Muffin-hater 15: Most Butt Hurt salty nerd : Co1t
  5. Natsirt You have Been Denied Services for Irritating me with this Cancer post for the remainder of the form discussion.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD8nlmO8nzQ
  7. its been real boys.


  8. Burban scum...
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