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Everything posted by Hadi'sLilBro

  1. Check support ticket pls(;

    1. silver


      shut up reggin

  2. Charels = 0 reactions Bye Bye
  3. Its not ruined there is backups 1 but yes it was a waste of time. 2 I was alerady told by A SENIOR DEV I could never be unban. We as a group of "hackers" talked about it and we agreed what happend last night was way to far True first taste of power without known consequences feels good got to my head just the adrenaline which sounds stupid because its a game but it happens.
  4. Well yes the main reason we quit was legal action. I would understand the frustration that comes out of this but it just feels so good to have power tbh. The whole ddos thing I have no idea about that and was planning to figure out about it. It's over stop crying waaaa im toxic.
  5. Wtf happend to you what happend to Bralls can I get money damn people change just to fit in.
  6. Swat already came they laughed at me for cheating on a 6 year old game
  7. No thanks we overstayed our welcome. Wait we weren't welcome that idiom doesn't work
  8. Bed time was an hour ago SHH
  9. We quit thats pretty much all well there is a lot more to it but that is for you to figure out.
  10. We got bombs in the mail(;
  12. Well its finally over GG olympus good fight Id still be down for that. OS vs Script Kiddies gang war.
  13. Hadi'sLilBro

    Olympus Twitch

    bojo wtf you forgot me how dare u https://www.twitch.tv/itsbralls o fuck uhhh
  14. Retard
  15. The cheaters aint so common. You got the legendary M5 and his band of retards.
  16. Sorry had to make sure i friggen hate ban evaders
  17. Would u ban me if i said I was ban evading?
  18. Well your old enough to live on your own now. But i guess my 15 year old self can take u in(:
  19. Me, you, Hadi we form a perfect triangle (;
  20. AWHH fuck i miss u ryan take me back bby.
  21. My take on it. There is a way around everything. These new wannabee m5 guys dont know who they are butttt ever think of a compromise. @Hadi Mokdad Thought of a compromise but all u other 10 iq staff have not): At this point hadi is the only hope of olympus. Ares u aint doin shit.
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