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About braddzzzz

  • Birthday 08/24/1869

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Good for heli runs, 4 crater max upgraded, will list on market when agreed on a price https://gyazo.com/d42a069ce6e78ba5a53f2dbdef7411d4
  2. war everyone, spawn kav, get a rook = 300 wps
  3. not for storage its a spawn point but i guess kav scats dont need a good spawn point for cartels
  4. still taking offers
  5. sure
  6. id sell it for 2.5m
  7. thanks lol
  8. kav rebel spawn point, 500m run https://gyazo.com/361ec154e817a51bdfaf90e6512761b8 drop offers
  9. braddzzzz

    WTB S1

    Thanks for letting me know
  10. braddzzzz

    WTB S1

    looking for good meth houses/moonshine houses, also want to buy war points 15k a pop
  11. let me buy them war points of yours
  12. braddzzzz


    bump still looking to buy wps, 15k for 1 and wanting to buy alot
  13. holy fucking houses
  14. braddzzzz


    15k a war point
  15. braddzzzz


    Wanting to buy war points, willing to pay a lot and will buy in bulk, I can also trade mx tazers for war points
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