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Legacy VIP
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Status Replies posted by Fedot

  1. Final Project Due! and Only 434 Lines in..... out of a Min of 5000. PHP Gods Please make my Code Work.... plez bbe :3 ?

  2. As some of you know, im a butcher. And with butchering, theres knifes, and with knifes, theres potential to cut yourself. and so i did, i have a large cut in my side and im stuck in a hospital bed for abit, RIP. So you olympians have a fun week because i know i wont...:)

  3. I hate how I still wont get told why I have been banned for RDM... Love this server sometimes :D


  5. What's the best way to remove your stream from the list?

  6. Anybody reccomend a good HeadSet? (Must Have Good Sound Control in Right Ear)

  7. Anybody reccomend a good HeadSet? (Must Have Good Sound Control in Right Ear)

  8. Merry Christmas everyone. God bless.

  9. Warfare asked and Santa gave.

  10. How do you place Y Menu items in Large Storage Crates? I swear I saw it on stream

  11. To celebrate a successful job interview, gonna do some drunk - taxi with a mohawk. twitch.tv/ZeusLive_

  12. There's mice everywhere! I hate mieces to pieces!

  13. Had a bAd Money Making day yesterday :( went from 2 Mil to 100k (LOL) Stupid People that are better shots than us and must be hackers because I'm MLG

  14. Finished my Computer build will be playing soon just have to go through downloading all my games... :(

  15. I really do dislike the Patriots...argg

  16. I'm Addicted to making spread sheets.... It's a real issue

  17. Happy Turkey Day guys....erm my US friends..Hope you have an awesome day of food and family!

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