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About Miri

  • Birthday 10/20/1997

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  • Location
    North Carolina, NC

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Burban is always hilarious to play with. I have personally never had a problem with any members, but Ozzy knows he's my bb so why would I? But anyways, the lower ranks are very bad with aim from what i've seen.. also, Stealth you still have yet to play with me!
  2. Oh, sounds interesting. Would love to see how this works out.
  3. Forgive my ignorance, but what new map?
  4. 2 crate house near Sophia air shop on server two
  5. Like AMS before we disbanded? I remember that time at heroin with you, McDili. xD GG.
  6. Better believe we're all still here though.
  7. In my opinion, the m-900 is the civilian light chopper. The put the Hummingbird back in because its a slightly different model. Like the off-road, there's a civilian off-road, and a rebel off-road. Make the Hummingbird illegal. No use as a legal chopper.
  8. Good run, fun while it lasted.
  9. The darkest night has yet to come.

  10. I'm a 17 year old guy from North Carolina. I love games, cars, and chilling! I'm pretty laid-back, but don't take kindly to bs. If you meet me in-game i'm probably one of the friendliest players you'll meet. Unless given a reason otherwise! I like designing things in Photoshop and Paint. If you see me come say hi!
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