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Everything posted by Vengy

  1. Hello all, I have been in this community for around a year now, some may know me by Stephen898, [MC] Vengence, {NaCLO} Vengence, or T Vengence but either way I am leaving... Why? Well I have slowly stopped playing Arma as much as I use to and put my time to other things but still played Olympus on my free time, however I was recently ban for three days from the server for RDM and was accused of having multiple accounts. The video is clear that I RDMed and it was RDM, altho it was just a lack of communication between some T members and me,as the video would show. However accusing me of having another account with no proof and never let me respond isn't cool, I have devoted alot of time to helping this server out just be being a good player and teaching others the rule but I also remember make forum posts convincing the admins of problems post wipe when things were really screwed up on the server (for those of you that remember). Just wanna say thanks to some people that made this server great in my perspective (most of which are old players)... -The retired head admin Hades -The retired admin Ares -St. Michael -iPawnR -Ricky -WhooptyWho -PLugMeInPLz - Pinkstreak (Even though her listening skills are horrible she usually remains unbiased). I would also like to thank the gang that made this server the fun it was pre wipe and post wipe... -Back Street Boys (IK wierd name but we had fun) -[MC] -{NaCLO} -And part of T I wish the best for Olympus's future and for all of its players, Good Bye Olyumpus...
  2. I think almost all of the words possible for me to explain as of how me and several others of why the server pop. is low has been said, I am not saying every word I have said is working but I honestly think there needs to be some major changes because no freshy is going to get enough moeny off the bat to pay for a hemmit and when they do get enough the chances of MC or some other gang spotting them are good, the gangs wont look at the people in the hemmit as freshies cause they are driving a expensive vehichle, it will usually end in the hemmit getting chopped and the owner being shot, then they realize that they have spent 5 hours running drugs in a offroad for nothing. Now i dont think it should be easy enough for some one to do to 2 herion runs in a offroad and be able to buy a hemmit but it needs to be adjusted.
  3. You do have a good observation about gta5 but sadly I can't completely agree, see some people I have been talking to aren't saying they are leaving for a different game, but for a new server, I'm not saying people aren't leaving for a new game is hurray that 120 people don't disappear in the matter of 2 or 3 weeks like that
  4. ikr!!I think this conversation between the server is going to make the difference, there are 500 views who knows how many of those viewers have quite because of this problem and now they miget reunite themselves with the server knowing that it is being fixed/worked on
  5. Wow well that is just about the best comment do far!
  6. I do not agree at all, in the old days with burban rolling in cash and robbing at every and all red zones, there where still 3 servers that were usually full, without robbing alts and Rp is nothing for many arma 3 players.
  7. Thankyou for listening to what we have to say, the prices werent the only thing, i dont think it should be like it use to be because truthly that was to easy to make money, I know that this is a very touchy subject and I hope the right desisions are made. -thankyou admins
  8. But if we start helping others out that will ruin the majority of banditing, lets say even if we started to only rob the rich, when can we start robbing the poor agian, once we start the server will once agian decrease. If we are kind to the poor this will take a great deal of RP out of the game, the country of Altis I believe is a poor rundown country with roofless rebels that only make it worse, just because the economics are bad and it isnt our falt we should cut down on our role play and help the poor out? Lets just take a look at what so far the server is wanting all though only a few voted and i wish that more would have, it is clear from the so far results that the members of this great server want a better economy, Your the admin yes, but if you want people to play your server you are going to have to look at what the majority of them want, to a extent.
  9. How do you think the new people on the servers feel when they cant make any money or when gangs are flying over drug zones and if you do have a good drug vehichle ur chances of getting robber are great.
  10. I really dont think thats the place for this, we are talking about the economy and besides I dont think we should have any choppers for Pos because they arent technecally cops yet, please do not carry this conversation on.......
  11. Well if you werent here before the wipe then I wouldnt talk about it to much, its just that look at the votes above obviously the economy is wrong in the majority of the peoples eyes, I am not saying go back to the way it was but it shouldnt be this hard, I dont think the time I put into getting money is holding up for the fun I have and from the looks of it others feel the same.
  12. Well its how you like to play the game it reallly is, if you were to tell that to the 80 other players that left the server they would have said they just didnt like the majority of the changes in Olympus and didnt like the new playing style, but since the majority of the server is wanting a different economy then now then it should be changed. This isnt Dayz Standalone, there a major difference between Dayz Standalone and Arma lll, I personally think it is how easy it is to achieve what you want.
  13. Yeah it was to easy then i will admit that but this new economic change made many people disappionted, including ,me..... :''''(
  14. When I died on the old old Olympus I did feal like I lost something not as much now however the amount of changes done was to much, ex.Changning Cop wages + Drug Prices + Chopping Prices + Weight Of Drugs(now we carry less) + trunk Cappacity Upgrades = Slow Economy. Some of these things were OP but adding all of these changes that striken the economy making the sever not worth the time and it isnt as fun, I understand if you want to implentment a few of those things like the wieght of drugs or somthing like that but all of this is just too much! This next thing im not treying to insult you Hades but I dont think you know what your talking about, perhaps its because you dont know what im trying to say, the server is dieing, it happend right after the economy got hard, it may not have been a big deal when people lost there stuff but so what there were 75 players on all 3 servers in the afternoon and they were all having fun!
  15. I think it shou;d be changed back to normal, with cop wages and illegal drugs the same profit, its just way to hard for anyone, and there is oonly one big gang atm na dthats MC, im sure Moob isnt going to except the whole server on the gang
  16. Im not trying to put Olympus down just trying to help it out, me and alot of other MC members feel the same, this server use to be good you do a 45 minute drug run and u have cash for the next few rebel loadouts and you dont work more then play, Arma is soppose to be having fun not just spend alot of time making moeny and spend it on two rebel loadouts. Me personally i feel like Olympus is turning into a type of Dayz Standalone, how? Well you see like I previously stated you work to get gear and a helicopter, if you loose your helicopter or die you have wated an hour of your life on a Role Playing Game. I loved playing Olympus before the wipe when moeny was easy to come by, ask the 80 players that have left the server for others such as Asylum and , they will say the same. There is more to add but mostly I think your trying to make the game to serious, so I am sure many people will agree with this post, I am making a poll, Please every one that cares for the future of Olympus VOTE!
  17. Finnally got my $25 donation and got the hatchback sports, now i am not driving around like an idiot in the uncontrlable SUV or the notorious offroad for deputies
  18. Its been so much different without the third server on Olympus, all the servers have been full, theres almost never a time without a ton of cops on which icant really complain about), so with this beeing said does anyone know ikf server three is going to arise agian.
  19. For the past few days while on and off duty as a cop I have noticed much less rdming, is it just me? I only seen 3 people in kavala RDM and I was able to send them to jail with out them logging off first! To me it seems it is to much work for rdmers that use to play to get on, make money, and blow it on rdming, so I think this server wipe has helped in a variety ways, thanks olympus staff!
  20. What is the testing server or is there none
  21. So I keep hearing about a server wipe what is it and when is it happening, thanks
  22. Hello, i am a deputy in the APD currently and I maybe inactive for the next while, will i be removed from the APD if I go inactive for so long and if so how long do i have to be inactive?
  23. thanks man i will make sure to contact u for further questions
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