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Everything posted by Vengy

  1. This but wireless. Been through many headsets. Steel series truly innovated with this headset. It costs a pretty penny but it is a well engineered and refined product.
  2. 5000hrs of this game = 208.33 days....unfortunately.
  3. Thanks! And yeah I thought it was going to be harder than it was, but the main highway was an exact replica in terms of navigation, it was kind of a mind fuck.
  4. Yeah, depends what your version of nice is. Kavala was definitely a very peaceful, friendly, and authentic Greek town and of all the places I visited in Greece it was one of tiny favorites (food was great too). Most of the other towns on the island seemed very run down and poor. Tourism isn’t popular, one of the locals told me I was the second American they saw this season but they do get quite a few Europeans for their wind surfing. The English was noticeably worse on the island compared to Athens, the young people were the only ones that could speak it fluently. Sadly I only had one day on the island, if I could go back I would have made it a two day trip.
  5. Yeah it’s developed, the only thing that they lack from a first world perspective is waste water facilities. With that said the island is old, run down and full of farmers and retired people. Idk, didn’t make it down that way, I wouldn’t think it’s off limits unless there was military bases.
  6. Be prepared to fight the vicious mountain goats. Not kidding. https://ibb.co/vxPV9S5
  7. It was a pretty surreal experience, didn’t expect it to look so much like the game.
  8. Yeah, Sofia looked abandon af, the main road going through and the church was the only recognizable part of the town.
  9. I was in Greece traveling around, with only an hour flight away from Altis (Lemnos) and an free day I bought a ticket and rented a car. Needless to say I drove across the island without using the GPS lol. Here are a few of the pics if anyone’s interested: Arma screenshot from Kavala castle 2018: https://ibb.co/yFKhf2k Lemnos, Greece 2023 (just so happen to have my SoPi hoodie so I recreated the pic above :)) https://ibb.co/hdMVPgW “War zone” from the plane: https://ibb.co/Nr8wJt3 Small church, they were everywhere and in most cases in exact locations found in the game: https://ibb.co/s3jrm5c Of course the airport: https://ibb.co/NKp0vjy Salt flats was the most intriguing location, this time of the year it is a wet land with hundreds of pink flamingos. I crashed my rental car, got stuck, and scared away all the flamingos…I don’t really have good pics. Hope you all enjoyed
  10. I'll just leave this here....
  11. @ Ryan I really didn't wanna expose you like this but I finally found your moms leaks: https://efukt.com/23123_The_Worst_of_ONLYFANS.html
  12. Somalis aren't complaining lol But this fr is shitty.
  13. Server is about to be dead asf. Like 20 of those tickets are NLR reports on Noops.
  14. Had to get the gang together for the new year. Happy New Years Olympus! I already know this toxic cesspool of nerds are going to shit on us for the SoPi hoodies.
  15. Well maybe you should rewatch the beginning, it’s a montage for our whole gang big dawg.
  16. You’re right, we will take milsim out of the title? Lol
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