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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. I cringe at your inability to write English, but RP is almost never given from a APD Officer, Medic or Civ if the person that they're talking to doesn't RP to. RP goes both ways, you can't just not RP and expect to get RP in return. If you want to see more RP, then RP more yourself. Don't just complain, its just a snowball constantly rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger. And your wrong about "rp and soome will never happen." RP is everywhere, you just have to RP yourself...... Little Brain
  2. I myself facepalm because of your stupidity
  3. BENJI


    Since when did you have lovers??
  4. Theseus, your an old sum bitch :P

  5. BENJI


    I think fedot voted over and over again somehow
  6. If a Medic is doing anything against that rules that is out of the Minor, tell any of the Coordinators, tell Odin, tell anyone. You might not think so but Medics have it hard when people Complain, if you have a problem with Medics then don't request a revive the next time you die. That simple, it might not seem that way but I can damn sure tell you that it is. This is one of the main reasons we don't have that many Medics on as much as we used to, if you don't like what some Medics do then report it to someone that can do something about it and don't make a worthless post on the forums. I'm not trying to be harsh, just try to take matters into your own hands and tell someone if a Medic is breaking the rules.
  7. Day 383: The road to heavy responder begins........... later

  8. Imo, I think the reason why not many Medics are as-active as they used to be is because 1. Lower server populations 2. Assholes (aka rule breakers and overall idiots) 3. School and life issues 4. people disconnecting while requesting a revive and 5. not getting revives for a long stretch of time and get bored. If the server populations get higher, I can guarantee that A LOT more Medics and APD will be on. School and Exile are the 2 big factors of why the server pops are lower. The server is slowly making its way back to where it should be, and where it deserves to be. Until then, we all need to find some way to be more active as APD and Medic. Another reason people aren't on as much anymore is because of Anxiety and Stress, either from school or other personal issues. Me myself I've been dealing with Anxiety, Stress and Depression my whole life, It's something that isn't sunshine and rainbows and is really hard to live with. But don't worry, we all will eventually find a way to be more active and play more.
  9. The biggest bounty pre-wipe was around 13-14 mil from ToeKnee. The biggest after wipe bounty, Idk. Maybe like 4 mil or something?? Wouldn't doubt if there was one higher
  10. Wait....... What is this.... "Staff Abuse," you speak of..... No offense, but every gang is Toxic. The whole idea of a gang is kill, rob and fight for you and your gang. The reason people leave is because of ALL the gangs, not just because MC, or NW. A lot of people left because of the wipe, left because of personal reasons, moved on, left arma, etc etc. The server isn't falling, the server is just making its way back up. Slowly
  11. The more you talk shit about the APD, the more it crumbles. That's what started this whole chain reaction, the APD slowly get more and more tired of people getting salty and complaining about their mistakes. EVERYONE makes mistakes, nobody can be 100% perfect. Just accept the fact that the APD is tired of being pushed around. If you don't like the APD, don't make a forum post about it. It's just more and more unwanted shit
  12. <3 I thought you hated me. But dont worry, if I can I'll try to come on and play some Medic every once in awhile. Thanks bud, Benjamin I'll be back, soon.
  13. I'm starting to lose my interests in Altis Life, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna leave, I'm just gonna take a break. Since school is starting in 6 days to I need to have that as one of my main priorities. But I think I'm gonna take a break from Altis Life for a couple of weeks, Probably like 2-5. At the max, a month and a 1/2. I hope to see you guys again soon. I will still be on the Exile and the Forums still from time to time. I luv ya guys, I'll be back soon
  14. Alright thank you , My mind is always confused when it comes searching my comp
  15. Ya, the server just needs some time, since the wipe it hasn't been the same. More people just need to join and catch along with how everything works. After Exile dies out a little the servers will be better. I'll miss a pal
  16. I recently downloaded Notepad ++ because the regular notepad that windows comes with is to plain for my eyes. And I had a problem where I couldn't open any text files with notepad ++, it only opens it with the default windows notepad. I followed the instructions in this video (that you can look through if you like) and it didn't seem to work : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skuV1D4RIUo : I don't know how to fix it. And of course it will probably end up with something as simple as changing a setting but idk how to fix it, I might just be dumb. But the interesting thing was that even when I made a text document IN notepad ++ and when I saved it, and re opened it on my desktop it STILL opened it in the regular windows notepad and not notepad ++. If any of you had this problem and some how fixed it, or if you use notepad ++. if you have any tips for me that would be great, Thanks.
  17. You Might Know Me As A Long Time Member The reason I decided to make this is because a lot of people have been doing intro's lately (for example cLoak) and I got bored and decided to do one to I live In Minnesota, US I'm currently a Sophomore In High School I'm a 93 year old man that moved to altis about 58 years ago when I was 35 My name is Benjamin Aka BenJI or Ben which are my "nicknames" I joined Olympus almost a year ago in the Prewipe days I'm currently in the Rescue & Recovery (R&R) as a First Responder When I graduate from High School I think I'm gonna go to College to be in Computer Programming, I'm not 100% sure I'm gonna be a Programmer but I know I'm gonna be in the category of Computers / Electronics Atm I currently playing CSGO and Arma 3, if your Curious about my CS Rank im currently a MG2 but I stopped playing MM and I'm thinking of starting the Grind again. (and no I'm not bad ) I play Guitar. I play both Electric and Acoustic, and I'm looking to learn how to play Crazy Train. Idk know the name of the band but Ozzy Osbourne was in it I have a Pet Lionhead Bunny I love Olympus #LongLivePoker
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