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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. I don't think I'm alone in saying genuinely couldn't care less
  2. Arma doesn't detect my mic anymore how fix

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DABESTeva


      and on steam settings there is a way to make ur mic the one that is detected

    3. proud


      doubt its this but go to your windows sound settings n then go into input device properties n make sure its not muted, idk if u have zoom n use it but it could be that fucking with ur audio settings.



    4. syndrome


      thanks for the advice will do1!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Lol get fucked
  4. Hbd to another fellow humanoid @Fraali

  5. Yellowstone
  6. Went to my local Microcenter early this morning to find over 100 freaks in line for almost a whole block waiting for a 3080 which are all gone in like 20 mins. Pretty wild

    1. Drippp


      dude i was there yesterday at the st louis park one at it was a fucking zoo

  7. https://youtu.be/LbTxfN8d2CI
  8. I mean did he win? I need context!!
  9. Ayo free my homie Pablo!!

  10. The house always wins https://gyazo.com/adf216cad8ade7b0471a4f1c57bedccf
  11. main-qimg-b4d611f43a6060b4347499ad88caec51 (480×360)

    1. SuWooP
    2. Venomm


      bobby with a solid 83 frags today on god

  12. Jesus christ you fucking killed him
  13. Aye congrats @Airborne Still the counterpart btw

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Masonn


      @Tech not gonna lie I've been jewed like this a few times myself that cunt  has a obsession with hitting a shitty 21 when you have a 20


    3. Tech


      Damn bro must be rigged

    4. Masonn


      Yup Jewish owned casino smh

  14. Congrats on support team member of the year!!! @everyone

    1. Millennium
    2. Kedar
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Cheers Benji.  I worked hard telling people to submit tickets and reassuring people their situations would result in dudebangers getting banned/comped ❤️ 

  15. Hbd to my favorite Highschool Dropout @caleb xD Kappa

    1. caleb xD

      caleb xD

      ill give it a like but thanks BIG lad :papega:

    2. Monks


      I'm gonna drop out of high school to persue my arma 3 career

    3. Legendary


      @Monks "persue" you need to drop out... and then drop back into spelling class

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