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Posts posted by Imagine_

  1. Love the server, first joined in 2016, but didn't really grind it till 2019. have made a lot of good friends and a lot of good memories. Ryan said to make the comment interesting so this comment goes out to my favorite arma player and one of the realest friends I ever made playing Olympus and this video is a contribute to him and one of the funniest moments I had with him. 💖 Martin



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  2. 8 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

    I can’t remember the last time I was even on the server and I’m certainly not racist you dumbass

    I remember, It was when you broke the rules on the APD handbook and pulled 2 ghawks on my vehicle airdrop and tried to come up with some bs excuse, Thx for the free ghawk btw

    • Cringe 1
  3. This is a solid idea, but it would greatly reduce people doing run. We need something that would increase runs on the server. Because I’m the state of the server rn, it’s easier to hold caps for an hour then spend an hour doing a run and get robbed, or seized by the Apd and get left with nothing or make the same amount for just holding caps and gaining war points. 

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  4. If you realized how little staff there are that actively hop on to the server and forums, then you shouldn't complain about a 2 week old report. There are alot of things they have to work on and satisfy to keep the server running , and tbh I wouldn't want to deal with an nlr report when the server has been crashing lately and the server has been full pop the past couple of weeks. 

  5. I would like to see a bank worth doing. For those of you who are going to disagree and say its not cop sided then explain why nobody does a bank? The glass in the office building is unbreakable, and if there is going to be no wave rule for cops then at least give the bank cover for civs to rotate around and take cover. Like I could take 10min out of my day and design a bank worth playing on this server but I know nothing gets changes if the APD actually has to have skill in defusing a federal event. I'd like to see people do banks again like when bank was in pygros and (RIP) was doing banks everyday. But now the banks so nerfed for civs that its just taking up file space for the server to lag more.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

    Really don't think a new black market is needed, especially if it is only as another place to process drugs. The idea of a black market is to buy gear and process drugs, if it's just to process drugs, then it's just a processor. Also, location would seem to be where Heroin processing was a couple updates back. Difficult to get to and kind of out of the way.

    I think a new black-market is needed personally since I put in 40+ hours a week on civ robbing and doing runs, and frogs is by far the only run that has no diversity to it. It's just a straight line for the run and there is no worry of needing to cap a cartel or be taxed for selling, and there is only one place to process frogs when every illegal drug that needs only one item collected to pro has a blackmarket as well as a processor, but I can see where you coming from when it comes to buying gear from a black market so maybe the location can be changed.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Outcast said:

    To me this is too open in the middle area. Seems like a circle with objects on the outter layer and just a singular building in the middle.

    As this is a black market people will be processing drugs at / buying gear. Where do you have the vehicle / Air garage here?

    Also this seems like it would be very aids for someone trying to get in there with a truck to process drugs.

    This has potential, just needs some work. 

    - Just the 3 times opinion. lmao

    Good feedback, ill take that into consideration as I make a revised version. Would love if Olympus staff would like to add this concept to the server.

    • Haha 1
  8. Give some feedback as to if you'd like to see this addition to Olympus. As I am apart of Civ council specifically for runs, I want to propose a new idea for players on Olympus. As you all know every illegal run that consist on gathering one illegal item has it's own Black-market as well as it's own cartel to capture. Frog however doesn't. Frog sells for around the same price as mushrooms but there is no tax on frogs because there is no cartel to capture. I feel like balancing as well as adding a new route for frog runners on Olympus would give new and old players a new incentive to doing frog runs. Adding a new black-market for frogs will allow players to have two drug dealers to sell from for frogs as well as have two areas to process from when doing frogs. https://imgur.com/gallery/5v2M1MU Here is a design I've created as to what the new black-market could look like and would like to locate this new black-market near where the old heroin pro used to be south of salt flats. let me know what the community thinks and maybe we can add this to Olympus.

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