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President Kraken

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Everything posted by President Kraken

  1. I thought Id stay but it's obvious that I can't enjoy olympus anymore. You guys know who you are making my times amazing on olympus. Bye guys I'll miss you all my friends.
  2. Seems smart wonder if I was removed
  3. Can we get server 3 back? It'll save everyone the sake of breaking their enter and space keys and will keep the massive cop count down to where it's not a mad house of cops in Kavala and people will actually get to play a bit more.
  4. Yea
  5. I love how far this thread has come
  6. Thanks for being my first PO when I got Deputy I messed up so much
  7. I regret making this I heard about it and now its a fight just cause I wanted to know who won??
  8. Who won? Casualties? MIA? Gets the details coming:D
  9. Hey guys I'm gonna hold off the servers abit just until the wipe is decided and the map is released. Of course I'll be on to piss off the cops by speeding and pulling ifrits out in Kavala and landing helis in the square but I'm not gonna commit to anything so work isn't Done for nothing just to lose it all in the wipe. If you guys want to hang my steam name is Kraken I'll be on A3L mostly unless my friends are causing chaos and I want to join them. A3L Name is Mike Cornwall if anyone sees me around. Like I said I'm not leaving Olympus is my home and it's where everything began I just need a break until every thing is decided. Thanks to Ebzekro for getting me started and not making me pick peaches to get started and for always being a chill guy PcP for being my first gang and bringing me to meet many new people RPD for bringing the fun into my Altis life Paul Miller for being the stupidest person out there along with me Walt Jr./Blake for going along with the stupid stuff and having great RP This isn't good bye it's just a break I'll still be on to cause chaos but I won't settle until Olympus is developed its new map and decided on the wipe! Thanks guys Ive met many more people so don't worry if you weren't mentioned i still love yall
  10. Yea civs don't understand but I can't talk I live to anger the Popo
  11. then we can't die to cops not healing us and crashing all that stuff like I pray for that stuff to happen to me I wish my post got this much drama Id be forumfamous
  12. I crashed a heli near Kavala square thank his for insurance it was chromed up
  13. Okay sk how to piss off the cops that everyone has to do once in their lifetime! Speed until your sent straight to jail...then go back and do it again when your out-X Land in Kavala square with a heli until they get mad-X Prove them wrong-X Rob a Fed Alone do they all set up and find one person-X Tell a cop your doing a jailbreak and then watch him get rekted by MC(muscular corn dogs) Do and sk I mean So
  15. I'm posting here so Wheatkings can do his Necropost on me so I can scratch it off my bucket list of life goals and admin has done to me Banned me-X Given me Jendraks Outfit-X Killed Me-X Got Necroposted- Banned me again-X Every said I love you-
  16. I hate burban for chopping my heli and I love them for staying out of server 2 and I love shooting there heli out of the sky with my friend with mk200s but they do follow the rules and comp when it's needed etc
  17. Wish you the best Bojo we've been chill for a while now and as we're not best friends it's good to know I can count on you as you can count on me. Wish you luck and hope to see you soon and hopefully cause trouble with Ya in the future BTW I'f you ever want a cop role kinda hit me up im looking for some Secret Service when Poseidon makes my White House HINT HINT WINK WINK @ Poseidon lol but back to being serious good luck dude And thanks for including meh??Jk but I mean what I say your a great dude
  19. I'm the president so add that in there the poll should be asking if kraken should get a white house How'd you make this
  20. it actually was better played out than said I had a friend coming to hq as we spoke for him to hold the mk a s be a secret service
  21. I love RPing as a cop sometimes I even bring a trusted person into a room with some officers around and unrestrained them just so we can talk without the bickering about what happened ofc I take precautions though
  22. Can you cops RP with this I try to make it fun and yet an officer tells me to put my hands up when I have him a legitimate reason to why I had a MK200 (secret service provided it for protection from the Russian mafia) I ended blasting the cop when he told me to put my hands up while having his gun at double controled position. I didn't want to kill him but why not just RP with situation if someone RPs in a good manner can't you guys return with RP. Ignore the money and play what the mod is about RP<-----!!!!!
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