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Posts posted by BillyBobJoe

  1. some of you newbies are WeirdChamp.png go to fucking fiveM if you want a Perfect RP server. OLY is Light RP and yet people still complain about it. If you don't like It, just go find a different server its not hard.

  2. I Have noticed a pattern in posts similar to this one about the APD Breaking rules or doing something against the handbook. And there is a problem with this pattern. It is that People are making claims about APD members breaking rules or doing stuff that can get them banned/Rank Ripped and then getting their friends to +1 it or comment on it, to make it seem like its actually happening. I don't know the logic and I don't understand it. I guess people think, if enough people complain about it,  something will be done about it. And I am not going to lie but its getting really annoying seeing a zerg of people come onto the forums and just throw claims around left and right without providing definitive Evidence/Proof. Now granted some people do and I totally respect that, props to those guys. The same people (ones making claims with no proof) will also post short videos claiming it to be evidence when in fact it doesn't even show the whole situation nor does it have the context to explain it (because its too short). And the same people will be quick to ALT F10 and report the randy from asylum that just logged in to RDM Everyone moving in kav square. Stop with the he said/she said bullshit, you cant bullshit a bullshitter. IF you THINK someone broke a rule or did something that goes against any whitelist handbook REPORT IT. Remember guys if you want to report someone click the support tab in the forums! Lastly if you want to call ppl or things out on the forums get real proof otherwise you are all clowning yourselves. This isn't the #MeTooMovement its a forum for a server on a video game. 


    TLDR: If you are going to accuse people of breaking rules or accuse an Member of the APD "dOInG sUs tHIngS" Bring forth Definitive Full Contextual video and submit a Report/IA. Don't Make Claims that you 100% cannot support.  

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  3. 18 hours ago, Mane said:

    We dont bend anything whats so ever, if you EVER see a member of Staff/Support report them.

    People going on rants about how a member of support/staff possibly breaking a rule is non sense, and is a waste of time for both parties, you see a rule break you report it, SIMPLE.

    exactly, too many ppl claiming shit but not really seeing them coming forward with evidence 

  4. 36 minutes ago, Arcadezombie said:

    I have experienced higher ups in the apd just being power hunger douches for no reason at all. ive also experienced admins spawning armed jets and shoot everyone in kavala as well as blowing their vehicles up. They turn around and say file a comp request for your vehicle they say nothing about reporting them because in the end nothing will be done to them. ive lost multiple vehicles to this little jet scene that happens month after month whenever the admins get bored and decide they want to mess other peoples days up.
    Guidelines are made to be followed by all.

    Proof? not saying I don't believe it, but with every claim should be video evidence. 

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