Proximity had to take it down due to copyright issues.
Just search for Adele - Hello Absense remix and you will stumble across it. I would download it as soon as you can though, they're all being taken down.
This is not the place to do this. Please use the suggestions board instead.
In this system, when you are outbidded, your money will likely come back to you in the form of a deposit, using the system you see near the end of the video. It won't matter whether you are online or offline.
Queries and handling of data don't take as long as people think. In fact they're almost instant. The thing that takes so long is the thing to ensure no one is trying to glitch or exploit the system. Also, server performance is really good right now, so that's not really a problem.
Watch in HD so you can read shit on my small ass monitor. Also, these features are in extremely early stages. The final product will most likely not look very much like this, but it's good to start some hype. Major amounts of credit also go to @Poseidon for doing most of the server side and UI shtuff.