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Everything posted by djwolf

  1. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  2. The exact reason for us unlocking this stuff in the first place are so that there is no biased situations like the one you are describing. I don't really understand your logic here.
  3. We're now introducing Altis Highway Patrol (AHP). Several new variants of highway patrol textures have been added including a new uniform. R&R Quad Bikes and R&R Boats now have lights and sirens. Admins should now accidentally teleport a lot less. More Capture the Flag changes have been made that should hopefully result in fixes for some major issues with it. Deputy Chiefs of Police and above now have access to the MX-SW. Sergeants and above now have access to the Vigilante vest. R&R vehicles with the red theme now have the same style of lighting as the ambulance. A server hop / role switch cool-down has been added. You must now wait 5 minutes from the log off point to be able to switch roles and/or servers. Medics can now enter any vehicle to remove dead bodies. Any vehicle that supports animating doors, now opens when the vehicle is unlocked, and closes when locked. The Altis Market has been buffed. A new turtle dealer has been placed south of Kavala. Changes have been made to Pyrgos checkpoint. Kavala rebel boat shop has been fixed. Rebel outpost's towers can now take damage from explosive charges. More light added to APD's HQs. As a thank you to the community for helping us reach our donation goal, Hatchback Sports and Mohawk Helicopters have been unlocked for everyone.
  4. Great song for anyone who likes EDM 


    1. Fedot


      Nah nothing is btter than X Rated Space Laces remix

    2. yoitsdanny1


      4theRecord dj sp00ked this song from me. Ur welkome kiddo.:4head:

  5. 93% almost there... :4head:

  6. Holy crap, he lives. I used to watch your videos all the time, and then you died.
  7. Turn down your volume.


    1. ComradeGoonie


      Logging on and realizing you just walked into an aidsy situation.

    2. Marty


      Siberian huskies are my favourite

  9. I agree, bring back the RP!
  10. I couldn't read the no hate part because I was stuck on PS4, you console pleb.
  11. Couldn't have said it any better myself. I really like how people also think that Olympus is dying even though on most nights out of the week we have 100/100 on both servers. If this is what you're going to do to get attention. Here's the door:
  12. Matchmaking was horribly broken when the game first released and still has some issues. Honestly, if you are able to get in, the game is absolutely amazing. Imagine Counter Strike and Battlefield having a love child, and that's this game. I personally am a fan of both, so this game really stuck out to me.
  13. Those are situations that I would love to see more of. Here's another example:
  14. In my opinion, it sort of goes around in a circle. People never put their hands up, so gangs have to shoot. If gangs have to shoot, people don't see a point in putting their hands up. But in the times when people do actually put their hands up, I would like to see some good role-play. Not just, I take your shit and leave, but a fun scenario. The mission file, is not all about getting money. That's why it's an RP game mode.
  15. I've been around the ArmA 3 roleplaying community for quite a while, now. The vast majority of what I'm seeing here, in the way of roleplaying, goes along the lines of something like this. Hands up or die by [INSERT GANG NAME HERE], shoot dead, get money, leave. I like that you guys are putting things on the forums that represents our community. However, the killing montages, in my opinion, sort of negate the role-playing aspect of Olympus Altis Life. So, as a request from me to the bigger gangs, when you guys see someone, maybe instead of killing them, you could consider an alternate role play situation. Maybe take them hostage and force them to sing songs, or something. Just things that would make everyone have a good time, and a good laugh, rather than the usual hands up or die. Thank you all for being here - djwolf
  16. I admit to nothing.
  17. I have spent the last 5 minutes looking at your avatar.
  18. djwolf

    I am back

    Welcome! Here's a dancing bender.
  19. In case @Lonnie85 didn't already say it. Gang wars is live at: http://www.twitch.tv/sirpeterlong

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