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The Mountain

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Everything posted by The Mountain

  1. I feel that's different because that's on cop. Most cops will do anything just to get those minutes...
  2. I don't think that will work because then it's just Wasteland.
  3. Personally, if you are going to release vehicles to everyone, I think that all items that give an ADVANTAGE to other such as vehicles and GA Rigs should be released to everyone.
  4. Stating a problem that has been previously stated with no solution does not help. I know people are pissed, but the fact is global donations are in right now. I don't think they're going to be good for the server but to get the server donations and follow all Tonic rules or w/e someone is going to be unhappy, and the minority are the big donors.
  5. I completely believe that and that's why there's any controversy over the perk system. The only way to get around this is to break the rules previously set for Olympus.
  6. Everyone is giving there two thoughts on the donation system, so I concluded I might as well give mine and a fortune for what I believe will happen., and then I give my suggestions. Many people I'm sure are happy, and many I'm sure aren't too happy. Whether you are happy or not is going to be completely based on how much you donated pre-wipe. Only the people who have donated before have a right to be pissed. I donated $25 and I'm happy for the global donation. For anyone who donated $100+, I think they are not too happy at all. They donated $100 personally and now anyone who plays in a month where $100 donor items get unlocked can buy their gear. For me, it's $25, not like I spent a fortune, but $100+ or even $50+ can be quite a bit of money for some people. This excludes people like _______ and _______ who've donated so much money for the good of the server instead of perks. Now for my fortune, for the people that donate some money every once and a while or every month, that amount will not reach the required $669. It's too much money for the certain individuals to donate in one month which is obvious. So it needs donations from everybody, but not everybody is going to donate. If everyone donated the minimum $5 donation, it would be 134 people that have to donate, which is less people than the 200 the servers pull on a good night. But people are going to be "smarter" than that, well, they're going to be cheaper. They're going to wait for the donation to get above the monthly goal, then they're going to use the donation perks. When people do that, the donation goal is never going to get above the monthly goal, and the server will be just like before except some people will be pissed about the new donation system. My suggestions, one of them might not be viable with the rules Olympus has over donating. But first off I want to mention my thought of reason as to why Poseidon does not give everyone every item and ask for donation for skins to certain cars etc. I think he doesn't want to do that because it could really anger the previous donors who donated specifically for those perks and now their donations are worthless in their point of view. However, a way to have this happen since many people think it's a good idea, is to just take either an all VIP or all pre-wipe donor poll and majority win, give everyone all perks or not. Another one of my suggestions is the one that may not be viable, it is to make whoever donated this month, or this month and last month, able to get the donation perks and whoever didn't does not. It would be an investment and if it doesn't get above the monthly goal, then try again next month. My final solution is to have every item able to be unlocked during the monthly donation period. But have them unlocked at different time intervals. For example, once $50 is donated, everyone can get sports hatchbacks, all race car gear and karts. then when $100, everyone gets rangefinders and the headphones and hats etc. Eventually leading up to the $669 prize which would probably be Mohawks and GA rigs. I think this is a viable idea, and it gives more incentive to donate because if you donate and it didn't reach the monthly goal, people will think their money was wasted. But if there's always something unlocked little by little, they won't think it for a waste but that they didn't get all possible perks they could have gotten. I changed the colors to represent my three different ideas, I hope you read all of this and please leave your suggestions/thoughts. Constructive criticism instead of insults please.
  7. I think both sides of the argument for the tilde guideline have a point but it's going to go to whoever senior APD supports.
  8. When you get replies to Blackjacks status updates but they "shut it down" so I can't see the aids he performed :/

  9. Yeah or just showing the ways of moonshine runners/ meth cooks/ heroin smugglers... etc... I think it would be kindof funny if the rebels like "So this is home base where we stash all the ingredients etc..." I think it would take a while though. Love the T gang wars video btw.
  10. it would be a very long time to follow someone especially a cop, but it would be like the show "cops". I think it's a great idea however would you and your news team fulfill the long and painful duties of one of these. You're talking hours of just recording with someone else hoping something excited happens. With rebels you could get on with one of the persons drug runs/kindof like VICE and their NYC drug dealer stuff. I think this is a really cool idea.
  11. The reason this gang hideout would be different from any rebel that civilians can go to is that you won't be able to get weapons, or rebel clothing. This would be less dangerous than a rebel but somewhere to grab some redgulls/bacon at anytime but it seems like the idea is not liked so whatever.
  12. With the change in cops rules, i.e. no encouragement or enforcement of tilde guideline, rebels particularly with high bounties will have difficulty getting there basic needs from a city. I propose an idea that can hit two birds with one stone, a way for rebels to get all needs of a city without being in one and giving a use for old jail. With the new map update in map, there has been a removal of gang hideouts. I suggest putting one in where old jail is, it is already made up and only requires the correct vendors. It can be defended and assaulted. What I ask is a clothing, market, general, ground garage, and air garage, and an atm to be placed at old jail. It will be like gang hideouts where one gang can take it over at a time and everyone would be notified when they do. This gives a sanctuary for certain gangs, and gives cops another place to investigate, especially when they get that message that a gang captured it. I think this goes along well because if a rebel wants a safe air garage, Pyrgos is a good spot to go to but now that cops are able to tilde it becomes dangerous most places. The reason this gang hideout would be different from any rebel that civilians can go to is that you won't be able to get weapons, or rebel clothing. If weapons wanted to be implemented than only up to the TRG like it was before. This could also prove as maybe a new "cartel" or just a place for gangs to fight it out. Any ideas, suggestions, or constructive criticism would be nice. Just don't dislike this post because you don't agree with it, give your testimony. One suggestion given to me was to have this be a "green zone" for rebels. A complete rebel sanctuary, that could be difficult to implement but it's just a suggestion. Another one was that this could only be captured by the gang if they own all 3 cartels. All ideas are good ideas.
  13. Snow is only good when it cancels school for 2+ days
  14. Snow'd in Connecticut last night.
  15. Damn, better than having SS rob him doing an SUV of something, or any other newcomers.
  16. What happened to the Rulebreak for a Rulebreak rule?
  17. Somebody hacked his account, pls don't go on skype or he'll kill you all.
  18. stay out of Kavala, since the new update, I've been there once and it's only been for a terror.
  19. Thanks fam, we all know the Irish are supreme leaders of all things in the world.
  20. My suggestion is if someone wanted to put in civ defib's is to have the execute option. If a rebel is downed then you can defib them every 10-15 minutes which would be 2-3 fed/jail waves. But you can execute them which would only allow medics to revive instead of defibs. Maybe after 5 mins of execute, give or take a few, the person is then dead and forced to respawn. Then there are bloodbags, defibs, and executing all monitored.
  21. When your ban appeal is lifted cuz its been auto-lifted... thanks for super fast response admins...

    1. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      *ban appeal is closed due to ban being auto-lifted...*

  22. I agree 100%, but there are many times where the cops won't dish out good rp, I was wanted for 100something grand once and was pulled over for reckless driving, since I didn't have a gun I pulled over expecting just a warning. Sadly, I got a "hands on your head" and my licenses were going to be checked, luckily I was able to run away b4 they cuffed me but it was ridiculous. Personally, I think there should either be the "tilde" everyone rule or make it so you can only pull people over if they are doing something illegal and get rid of the 150k bounty tilde rule. But since you bring up serial killers, if the bounty was equivalent to a serial killer AKA: 15 manslaughters, 300k ticket plus I'm willing to think of that as a good ground rule, since IRL nobody wants serial killers on the lose.
  23. U better not be the Wong who smashed my Huron yesterday...
  24. agreed
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