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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Fefe

  1. please let me know how this dupe works because i never heard of it that rook was 5m i swear
  2. always
  3. there isnt because it doesnt exist
  4. Who are you again?
  5. Well guys it was fun while it lastes but juggernog is officially gone and i just wanted to post some of the clips i was sent of it. If you guys have any other clips of it please send it. Also ty @ Mr.Slick https://gyazo.com/98e3187d198e38eb8db27e0faa3bad8f Also wanted to put in some of my clips.
  6. Fefe

    Buying zafirs

  7. 25m
  8. offer
  9. Fefe

    WTB DP13 Garage

  10. 50m all
  11. https://gyazo.com/b5629ddeeb54526435ed9110b007a0cb https://gyazo.com/4e99da26f57095dad214fd708353f5c7
  12. https://gyazo.com/4420838d0e0c4b744d732f4005aaad4f Taking offers
  13. i have 338 sup for 25m
  14. Guys please my feelings will be hurt
  15. 3rd world country be hitting different
  16. I am very hurt this people talk about my voice and it hurts my feelings deeply ); Also stop calling @ ZeroBlade short. 5'5 Is almost average only '4 away. He also told me he was very sad about it.
  17. Congratz @ Sevro  on SGT!!

    1. Coconut


      HAHA why you even tag me im not even there XD

    2. Knawxxx


      I’m not even FTO 😂 he’s brain dead man he can’t help it @ Coconut

  18. Fefe


    Well you shouldn't have got anything tbh u just got carried by the fact ur in dodo. We are greatful u are finally making ur o7 you trully have nothing to contribute ever, the only change that happened is that kids were allowed to join rnr whenever u were senior. No surprise that happened after u realized u had no chance with angela and medusa and prob any other female that tried to join rnr. After realizing you got rejected the age restriction was removed.... RNR Pedo squad. Please dont come back, no one will miss u.
  19. Fefe

    o7 Apd

    Should get this fixed, its retired sgt not LT. Dont forget you got demoted...
  20. Fefe

    o7 Apd

    Someone remove his apd tags off forums pls.
  21. Fefe

    o7 Apd

    Cringe retard U got demoted and ur shitty atempt to get it back failed better step down after embarrassing urself like that kekw.
  22. Cya guys hope you enjoyed whitelist for 2 days!!! @ JaydenB @ TapTap @ Super_Nova @ Coconut @ Lucky Another massive L for DODO L
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