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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. Did u read what i said
  2. I did think about it
  3. Marcus aint the pedo
  4. I hope you can add the maths adds up because your literature is horrific, at least you’re good at something! Also… i got blacklisted pretty much instantly lol
  5. Get him blacklisted now as a team Am i famous or something? A channel filled with random kavala retards knowing exactly who i was with some random name @ SPBojo looks like we both made it then
  6. @senior sex offenders remove my bl you dirt child molesting pedo bastids i comp’d the whiney cunt

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      I think he should apologize to them.

    3. CaloomClark


      I think you should o7

    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      I already did, Brows.   This is the ghost of arma past. 

  7. Hawkg buddy, don’t use language that holds such power if you aren’t going to use it correctly.
  8. Kav pd. 10mins. Don’t be late
  9. The medic loses however much the insurance was on their heli, i think they’d sooner get better at flying or just drive rather than risk the insurance over a 15k revive. Quite unfortunate to disallow rank progression due to flying And if the medic hits a tree when flying he/she would also be paying for gearsets ontop of insurance.
  10. In fairness why on earth is there a flight test lmao. APD corporals/PO’s don’t get a flight test. It isn’t a skill based faction, there shouldn’t have to be any flight test.
  11. Sell me t5
  12. Scammer
  13. Explain it to me then.
  14. I love you @ Snake
  15. Nature is cruel
  16. It’s all bollocks, horrific grammar in place that someone with any average IQ level would be able to sort out. Not to mention “my IQ is embarrassingly high” and “i’ve never taken an IQ test” in the same sentence….
  17. What the fuck is this nazi censorship shit??? who the fuck changed this
  18. Nah metro you ain't coming after my angela like that. Time and location, i’m putting you down
  19. @ Headtaps you got something you wanna say?
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