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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. It’s all bollocks, horrific grammar in place that someone with any average IQ level would be able to sort out. Not to mention “my IQ is embarrassingly high” and “i’ve never taken an IQ test” in the same sentence….
  2. What the fuck is this nazi censorship shit??? who the fuck changed this
  3. Nah metro you ain't coming after my angela like that. Time and location, i’m putting you down
  4. @ Headtaps you got something you wanna say?
  5. Definitely a little bit of an intermittent explosive disorder or ADHD in the mix too
  6. I remember the first time i encountered house tbf, we all thought it was a lispy 13 year old lad who was a bit retarded.
  7. What the fuck are you dribbling about ya silly bitch ahaahahhahahahahahaah, the cheeks are flapping
  8. Warehouse worker with an ego revolving academic intelligence
  9. Both of you are proper slappers totally cunted in the head too, neither of you should have this ego
  10. I admire your confidence to post pics, if i looked like that i just wouldn’t be able to
  11. You look like something no one would let their kids near you funny looking creature
  12. What a boring bitch fight. Both of you are butters too. Shut it all down, watching grass grow would be more interesting
  13. Nah that was to play with @ T o b y
  14. My 18month old puppy craves less attention than this
  15. Can you do one of @ Grandma Gary and i skipping through a field please, with us killing the IRA on unicorns or some shit. Add @ Noble in too, that’d be hot. Not really a meme or anything, just cute as fuck thanks.
  16. Fun fact. Didn’t call for help or repull for ammo as we were already full fuel and ammo silly dyke cunt
  17. I’ve struggled to find someone who is as arrogant as myself, although you definitely are
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