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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. CaloomClark


    Getting ego'd in arma 3 2020
  2. A bit of 2010, split screen MW2 with the boys wouldn't be so bad rn
  3. Bump Also looking AT offroads
  4. Bump- want pilot covs 6.5 supps T5's
  5. At least Noah didn't ban me for killing 2 people with a type in one of these few days back
  6. Ill buy all mx and mxm-600k?
  7. Not looking bw mags atm sorry but gl selling them Want 6.5 suppressors mainly,any t5's
  8. Wanna log s2 ill sell u it rn? **Sold**
  9. Any chance u could grab ur discord? Wanna negotiate a fair chunk of this
  10. How many? And for how much per
  11. Any 6.5mm suppressors T5 Zafirs Pilot covs
  12. 07, from the first day u joined me when i was a dep, up to now-both of us ripped :). U my closest niga on here and fuck those sapd bitches stopping us from sdar'ing, combat seizing random vehicles and lethaling ratty vigis in jeeps in the last few hrs. They stopped us from pushing cap right at the end :(. The amount of times i could've got ure ass ripped is fucking huge but we went through to the end, hurting the sapd's feelings by saying we didn't want cop anymore. I salute u soldier, good luck irl. You a real one g
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