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Tyrone Jefferson

Senior Support Team
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Everything posted by Tyrone Jefferson

  1. China has already taken ownership of U.S. farm land in the 10's of the thousands of acres. Are we really going to allow them to plant spies in Olympus, one of the most confidential organizations in the world?
  2. I was also worried about this but I said fuck it.
  3. https://imgur.com/Zp0fZ99
  4. Thank you for the giveaways!
  5. I’d just like to make a post celebrating my first 30 days back to Olympus that was full of fun, friends, and many disputes. Thank you all for the fun and although our community isn’t perfect, I prefer it this way here’s to many more months
      • 7
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  6. This is the most sped
  7. Cool editing
  8. Happy birthday, @ CaloomClark . Hope you have a good day!

  9. So here's my take. If I were Chief, I would also be extremely unmotivated to log on. As soon as any rebels catch wind that there's a Chief with Chief gear on the server, they will all immediately start searching for him to taze and restrain. Very dumb. This is why I think cop tazers shouldn't work for civ faction. It makes the cops an objective rather than a faction. If it were just vigi tazers operated by the relevant tier vigi, cops losing their gear would become a memory. Only very rare instance of it would take place then. I've heard that Winters is active just on alt accounts where no one knows who he is. That's fine and dandy if it's true but I'll have no way of knowing. Nonetheless, I'm still a junior officer who's main concern is getting tazed and robbed 24/7. Cop isn't fun, even Winters realizes this and has to play on a shadow account to circumvent the issue.
  10. RIP gang shed. You won't be forgotten.
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