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Everything posted by Snake

  1. Bro I just slammed down all his questions didn't I? SNAKE YOU A BOSS SON. But holey I'll be available later tonight if you need further assistance
  2. According to the handbook, you are to announce yourself as an APD officer before engaging. Technically speaking, Ricky was correct. You're always going to get screaming civs. I've done it all. I'm a sergeant and former staff member here, and still catch shit every arrest. It comes with the Territory. Regarding pardons, only corporals and higher have permission to pardon based on your handbook. If there is no corporal online, you are able to pardon but only for very specific situations. Seeing someone act in self defense, an accidental vehicular manslaighter that you witnessed, and if a player immediately texts the police regarding a crime they've committed and comes and roleplays out their self defense story with presumably only a single count of the manslaughter charge.
  3. Also, I've just been taking a bit of a break. I'm still around, and watching. I'm the hero this server deserves, but not the one it needs right now Lost.. So you can continue to hunt me, because I can take it. Because I'm not your hero. I'm a silent guardian, a watchful protector. I'm A.. Slithery lil Snakkeee
  4. Or a friend inquiring about a friend. Not everything has to have such a hostile response. I'm so tired of seeing this from you. If you have nothing constructive to add to a conversation, don't stick yourself into it. It's unnecessary and just causes drama for no reason. Grow up.
  5. 100% just a name change. It doesn't even have to leave their "style" if you will. I think the issue here is that they're using a real terrorist group's name that is actively working.
  6. The absolute idiocy of the individuals who support this naming idea is beyond me, and honestly too much for me to go on about without simply saying something that I shouldn't, so I'll leave it at this: Grow up. It's not cute, and it's not funny. Clearly a large portion of the community agrees with it being offensive, and you should consider that as you play.
  7. The burrito bandits arent a real life fucking terrorist group with an active issue that is very real.
  8. Look guys! Exploiters ruining a perfectly fine game mechanic. Thanks to all of you illegitimate players!
  9. For the record, you do need to return in waves (for those who were unsure) Orders by Captain Travis himself, if this changes in the future you'll be notified.
  10. if you get RDM'd submit a player report w/ a comp request. Thats my opinion Combat logs, just report it.
  11. Regarding this thread: Any gang named after a real life terrorist group that is at this very moment murdering innocent people, torturing soldiers/journalists and putting others in unlivable conditions has absolutely no respect from me, regardless of the players in it. Clearly, from the few replies in this thread alone, several memebers of the community feel the same way. The best way to improve your image has nothing to do with side chat when most players will hate you simply because of your "funny" choice of name.
  12. 30 minutes max except In a big situation like a terror or fed robbery
  13. I understand the objective of your thread. What I'm telling you is: If moonshine is over 10,000 before the end of reset, we will sell and make that money. Theres no "long term storage" necessary. I've been involved with 20 man runs with SGW, I know how it feels to believe theres no risk, but it only takes 1 good player (or 1 rulebreaker) to ruin your entire take. If wanted and I included more players with a full cut as we get, we would be taking in more than 12 mil a reset. In theory, if we had 10 guys, gathering and working the system the way we do it, we could probably make somewhere in the neighborhood of $80M for the group (or higher with perfect conditions regarding real estate) However, as is the case with all runs, the more hands, the less money you make. We actually typically just hire some folks for a portion of the time we spend to help expedite the process, (those would be friends, or friends of friends) and pay them a few hundred thousand for their half hour of work.
  14. I don't know if you understand what were saying. The drugs don't stay on the house, if we wanted to we could pick process and sell in a reset for the payout. The drugs are stored because itd safe. No player can take more than 8% of our total take per run if they stop us, and the drugs are entirely safe from the cops all except the span of about 5 minutes. Its not about storing it and claiming its fast,, its having an effective business plan that can be executed with a group of two, for a higher payout than most players get in 10 runs. I mean sure, we could load 3 HEMMTs of ingredients, drive them to brew, and then risk two hemtt loads of shine for the same payout and a thousand times more risk.. or we could execute a well planned route, design and execution, that takes just a couple of hours and brings in the big bucks with no loss.
  15. If the price was right, yes it could be sold in time. We store to ensure we get maximum profit. I've made 20m personally with wanted in roughly 3 resets INCLUDING two major setbacks. To sell, we have friends assist us. Today alone we sold 10M without a price drop
  16. The system is fine. You'll get it when you get it, just believe.
  17. So post your list, that's what the thread is for, I don't know why you're complaining
  18. Didn't he used to be a head medic??
  19. You'll never believe that it was an honest and awkward mistake
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