Best Shot: Kratos, Hollowman, Ace
Best Driver: Wing Wong, Pinkstreak, D3VIL
Best Heli Pilot: Ace, Colonel, BurBan Stealth
Best Officer: Travis <3, Ace, D3ViL
Best R&R: Spectral, Jendrak, Lonnie85
Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): GRANDMA GARY
Best RP'r: Colonel, Ace, HamofMoose
Most Tactical: WheatKings
Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Wing Wong </3, Kratos <3
Most Reliable: Lost <3, PVTWanted, Lonnie85
Most Dedicated Player: Ducimus, FoxymammaFTW for their Big D's! (Lol)
MVP: based on the things listed here... Lieutenant Ace is my Server MVP
Honorable Mention: xxItzKarlxx