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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Posts posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. 5 hours ago, Keith D said:

    So it's been a long time since I've played Olympus and I'm just recently getting back into it, I'd love to say that I know my way around and how to make millions in minutes but unfortunately the opposite is true, so I thought it would be cool if people could give some tips and quality of life sorta things because I have 90k to my name and don't know the best course of action because blackwater keeps robbing me at moonshine XD

    Thanks for your help if you provide any :)

    Join the APD. Don’t chase the money. Just focus on being a good copper and the money will come to you slowly and steadily. If that’s out of the question, then try R&R they get paid for simultaneously walking and chewing bubblegum. On Civ, just do small runs during low population and you’ll be straight. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

    Can we get staff to expose those who are voting no

    Right here, fam. Censorship is bad. Period. Do you realize how crazy you guys sound when you want a guy permed off the forums because his forum posts are stupid? Like, that's Democrat levels of insanity.

  3. I leave town for a few days and I lose my entire agency. Man, I really loved our uniforms, vehicle liveries, and simplified command structure. Shoutout to my Sergeants and Deputy Sheriffs. Big thanks to the designers, developers, and McDili for giving this thing a shot. It may not have worked out, but c’est la vie...

    • Like 8
  4. 1 hour ago, Donald H. said:

    Hi, So i am 16 and wanting to join the army in a few years and I was wondering if there are any ex military members or people that are knowledgeable about things in the army that could help me know more about what i am going to be doing and what i am expected to do and what i am truly getting into. Mostly I wanted to know if you can do college easily whilst balancing army duties. Thanks!!

    Go on reddit. Lots of info on there. I've got friends in who love it. I've got friends in who hate it. The guys who hate it are/were in line units. The guys who love it are/were in SOC units.

  5. 1 minute ago, falcon said:


    Unless I’m very much mistaken, this 32 BiT character’s the same guy who lied about his parents being dead. Had a few aliases too; 64 BiT, Airborne, Spartan, Jookie, and Tigner if memory serves. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Shark 4-6 said:

    Yeah my 5 days ban just ended

    If your ban was five days, then this wasn’t your first violation. What other rules have you taken exception to due to your unique circumstances?

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/8/2018 at 12:17 AM, Silencer said:

    Today i reported someone for rdm me for absolutely no reason and no action has been taken still. Later on i was casually playing and doing my vigilante business and got banned for one day due to exploiting, but the only thing i was doing was walking in kavala talking to some other people. This is sad how people rdm other people all day long and no action gets taken, but then a admin decides to ban an innocent player just trying to have a good time. I’ve seen people rdm, combat logging, saying racial slurs, but ofc no action gets taken. Stop baning people who do nothing wrong and actually punish the ones breaking the rules.


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