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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. We could have unmarked cars. Wouldn't exactly be UC, but it might add a degree of stealthiness, if you will, to the police department.
  2. I know a few deputies that have turned down ride-alongs and stay at deputy. I would imagine if you fail a ride-along, you would stay at deputy until the senior staff think you're ready to be reevaluated. You have to do something really stupid to be kicked out.
  3. I think time in grade doesn't really matter; it takes longer for some to learn the ropes while some get the objective in a short period of time. For me, I got P.O. after 7 days, (I forgot how many minutes I had logged) but Ebzekro got it in a shorter period of time, and that's because he's damn good. If you perform well in front of the right people, then you'll get it. Just stay sharp on the handbook, ticket guides, and rule changes and you'll be alright.
  4. I like that analogy, sir.
  5. Looks like my internet is up an running again; my ISP was just doing work in the area, so that's why it went down in the first place. I'll be on tonight :D

    1. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      if your internet has gotten up and started running you better go catch it lol im so funny

    2. Dustin87



  6. Internet took a dump about an hour ago whilst I was playing Cop on server #2. Currently working on a fix to the problem. Sorry if this causes problems for anyone. Using my phone's LTE for now.

  7. I have massive amounts of fun on this server. It wouldn't be possible without a competent and structured administration. Thanks for giving us an opportunity to have fun with one another.
  8. Hello, Olympians. I'm Fat Clemenza. I've been playing on the servers for about a month now, and I figured I'd better make an intro post because, you know, better late than never I guess. I live in Southern Orange County, California, I am attending college and majoring in Public Administration. I plan to join the Navy in 2015 and get into police work after that. I like playing the guitar, working, tinkering, and modifying computers and automobiles. I also like to clean and shoot my vast collection of firearms. I play in all of the servers equally. I am also a rookie deputy with the APD, so you're likely to see me in any server since I like to go where the APD needs me. I look forward to playing with you guys and having a good time. Take care and see you on the island.
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