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MasterDoesYT last won the day on March 18 2024

MasterDoesYT had the most liked content!


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Criminal (2/7)



  1. @ KingPaul GG BUD GOOD SHIT
  2. If I win, I'll finally have a reason to leave the house this week and touch grass.
  3. Big Boss Fredo = Certified new APD Lieutenant. Hire this man as the senior apd as a whole. Good luck to all on the giveaway, Im gonna win anyway.
  4. @ Community Director Sov Respectfully why the fuck do you still open your trans ass mouth? No one gives a fuck about you. Holy shit. you are like a god damn grandma and her fucking cookies. Let it the fuck go.
  5. A pressure cooker bomb is an improvised explosive device created by inserting explosive material into a pressure cooker and attaching a blasting cap to the cover of the cooker. Pressure cooker bombs are relatively easy to construct. Most of the materials required can be easily obtained. The bomb can be triggered using a simple electronic device such as a digital watch, garage door opener, cell phone, pager, kitchen timer, or alarm clock. The power of the explosion depends on the size of the pressure cooker and the amount and type of explosives used. If I don't win this giveaway, the Boston Bomber's may recontinue. (;
  6. o7 Ryan. Nice meeting you despite you rigging the giveaways...
  7. u better just give me one . -Caleb
  8. Very annoying and disrespectful

  9. o7 Cya bud I didn’t get to know you well but the time I did you were amazing have fun with ur irl life and go make memories. We’ll miss you
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