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Everything posted by MontyStein

  1. o7
  2. I literally encountered a GH on Sunday 5-17 in my m-900 as I was flying back from a run. There was a total of 60 players on the server with 9 cops at 11pm pst. Guy chased me down through valleys trying to get at me, but thank goodness those things are slow and my bounty was low. There was a bank run prior to this about 20ish minutes beforehand, but nothing near where I was.
  3. You're right, this is a game. Most people want the game to be at least plausibly fair and balanced. Man, I know the staff also want to play and have fun, I don't expect them to be watching 100% of the time. That's just not physically or reasonably possible. You also have to think that STAFF SIGNED UP FOR THIS. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. If they don't want to do the thing THEY SIGNED UP FOR, why are they staff? Yeah there's a bunch of tickets on here I'm sure haven't been looked at for weeks/months. Shit happens, stuff falls through the cracks. It is just getting more regular and chasm like and that's what I don't like. Tbh, for these f2f convos I understand why people don't like them. People need to be respectful and honestly it SHOULD operate like a judge Judy courtroom because that's a reasonable approximation of what's going on. You gotta be respectful of the staff and the other player or shit isn't going to go your way. I'm not sure what would be fair enforcement of this would be, but that's how I feel the f2f interactions should go. Obviously at the end of the day evidence and sound arguments are King, but being able to have a reasonable conversation is a pretty excellent second priority.
  4. Oh ffs. Really? People don't give a shit about the little rule breakers? F@#$ off. The little ones are the ones who get away with it all the time and that's part of what is pissing people off. We may aggro the f*** out of cops and other gangs, but we don't INTENTIONALLY break rules unless it's stupid shit inside the gang that both people have agreed to (for the most part). If we break a "spoken rule" and it's not on the server rules, tbh you're right the rules can't cover everything, but saying "the rules can't cover every specific situation, so use common sense when playing" IS LAZY. If someone breaks an unspoken or spoken rule, they shouldn't be punished for it. At least not the first time. And if that rule is being broken consistently, it should be added to the official rules in order to solidify it's validity. Yeah, people slip up and you're not paid to do this admin stuff, but at the end of the day you did volunteer for the position. I gotta say, I appreciate that because we need people to be on staff. To @ThatNerdyGuy if you're that worried about talking to people, why are you on staff? And if you don't like talking to people that much I assume it's because you don't want to hear the bitching from both sides. If that's the case why don't you take the judge Judy approach and just "if you don't shut up and start making sense I'm gonna rule in the other guys favor." I don't see many people on Judy talking over each other after that and the ones that do get wrekt. There's a lot of frustration on both sides and I get it, but one of the sides doesn't really get to make any decisions or enforce any rules and is only on the receiving end of the shit.
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