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Shabiki v2

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  1. civs need some more high skill cap weapons at their disposal. give us the zubr for christ's sake

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Millennium


      yeah before this gets reported to Bohemia or some shit, You can't but the zubr. they are fucking with u hard.

      Its only a cop weapon now

    3. Monks


      i change my ign all the time. I'm also not a kav scat so you probably wont ever see me in game

    4. Ryan


      3 hours ago, N7Zero said:

      its not in a tier of donation, u have to seperately donate $500 towards the server to obtain the zubr.


      3 hours ago, Shabiki v2 said:

      ok, that is fucked up


      3 hours ago, ferg said:

      you have to send ryan a $500 check and a pepperoni pizza if u want it KBB Shabiki

      Dont listen to these apes. The Zubr is a weapon for the APD, that is why you do not see it in civilian shops. There is not a single thing weapon wise that is locked behind a paywall as that is against Bohemias monetization terms. The only thing you ever receive from donating are clothing/vehicle textures, titles and additional perks, however none of those things will have an effect in game.

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