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Everything posted by Tarquanda

  1. god stfu i have clips of ever time ive sold to you freaks nice try literally sold you tasers and t5 vests
  2. I will buy it if you have it
  3. Brought to you by the graphics on a 2002 Dell Inspiron computer
  4. racially motivated attack
  5. and a giant ass rebel skull sticker
  6. very good suggestion @ Ryan you better be on this shit like butter on toast
  7. that is all
  9. that's crazy
  10. the issue with buffing APD more is the fact that basically all these buffs are catered to 20+ man (cabal) events. If anyone else tried to do a fed now with these new buffs they're completely fucked.
  11. If you look REALLY closely you would notice that EVERY LARGE NOTABLE OLDER GANG has now left the server for good... the server is dying, cope.
  12. You are weak.
  13. Tarquanda


    We're going to have to raise dep requirements because of all the people applying due to adding a protector!
  14. Tarquanda


    Give PO's access to more roleplay vehicles (ie. Hemmnt Flatbed (for towing vehicles maybe), Jeeps, police go-carts, maybe a darter for scouting) Maybe give PO's access to bait vehicles, I personally don't understand why that's only for higher ranks... Gun wise, it's understandable that PO's have shite guns because its only the second APD rank, maybe add 9mm supp, or a sawed off kozlice taser? I think to many it's not abundantly obvious that there is such a thing as balance. A PO should simply not be able to have access to a MK1 or a Promet MR, that would kill the server. But there are some things you could do to increase popularity of the cop role...
  15. dm what you want dm dm
  16. 3 Promet SG 1 Zafir Promet Taser Mxm Taser Mx Taser Tier 5 Vest Tier 4 Vest 6.5 supps 5.56 supps
  17. They've ruined my humble little quiet town of DP9 and turned it into a gang base warzone, I agree, move the gang base and bank to the right side of the map.
  18. imagine being so gullible that you believe boats can move
  19. I was about to say its normal to drink milk, but then I remembered the last time I drank milk by itself was like 8 years ago
  20. @ Cadenn thoughts??
  21. Tarquanda

    cop tazers

    selling MXM, MX, Spar, Sting, Promet, Promet MR, Lim, RPK (not mar10 D:)
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