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XBlackxBirdX last won the day on March 3

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About XBlackxBirdX

Senior R&R Member
APD Officer

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  1. 🖕🏾









    congrats idiot

    1. Arnold


      There goes millenniums retirement plan like a fart in the wind Chris P Bacon flies to senior RNR

  2. They should of listened. @ Type03


    1. -B-


      The cut is perfect😂

    2. Saul Goodman

      Saul Goodman

      @ falloutgalaxy someone give this guy the official olympus auctioneer tag that voice is beautiful 

  3. @ Sir Mitch The Third  When is karaoke night?


    1. -dante-


      Sounds exactly how I’d expect someone who shaved their head for Arma 3 to sound 🙏🏼

    2. Dep Chief NYPD

      Dep Chief NYPD

      This was a absolute pleasure to be a part of 

    3. Sir Mitch The Third

      Sir Mitch The Third

      Aye man, you just gotta catch me alive to get that, I’m thinking next is wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus.

  4. @ Peapay is #1 baby girl
  5. What ever you do, do not except presents from lapel du vide!


    1. proud


      @ Oleg  i like ur present can i have one

  6. All that needs to be said,.............................................
  7. Good to see everyone getting together!!!
  8. I need my pink medic Ghawk back!!! Please


    1. -B-


      Just make this one pink


  9. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Vigilante When they add it to the server it will be updated on here, but as of right now it all just says Tier 5.
  10. The spawn points are never lost. So making them so easy to obtain would make everyone have them and nothing to work for. Also it is a privilege we even have them, considering that all vigilante outposts are right next to towns allowing you to get back to them right away. So the spawn points are just a time saver considering it only takes like 1 min to get back to vigi outpost after spawning in a town. Do you think we should move all vigilante outposts further away from the main towns like DP 11 outpost that is given to you as a spawn point at tier 5? Breaking news. This just in. We have. Tier 6-9 visible in-game

    1. Squeeze


      If y'all didn't know that's me who sacrificed their safety to get the revive! 🤣

  12. Nothing like camping hospital during a fed. @ Millennium


    1. Millennium


      I wasn't even participating in the fed. I logged in to pull a ghawk on the APD

  13. Do you mean Weed Field?
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