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XBlackxBirdX last won the day on February 25 2024

XBlackxBirdX had the most liked content!

About XBlackxBirdX

APD Officer
R&R Medic
Senior Vigis Civilian Council

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  1. Nothing like camping hospital during a fed. @ Millennium


    1. Millennium


      I wasn't even participating in the fed. I logged in to pull a ghawk on the APD

  2. Do you mean Weed Field?
  3. Let my man Justin go!!!
  4. You say this every year. If you said something better you think people would say some funny shit. But at the same time you can say shit on here with out getting banned. When did saying some racist shit become bannable.
  5. Can contest to this. This man banned me even tho I comped exactly what the guy wanted. Why do I have a Bil not to comp people. Might as well gamble it away like the rest of the server.
  6. Dam starting low I see
  7. @ Grandma Gary If you want to take this mans kidney. Think twice before doing so. 10/10 recommend trying this!!! I will come for that kidney again!!!
  8. @ Marcus Can you comment on this? Hammer Of Justice Was Here
  9. It's Kavala square. Home of the rdmers/vdmers. With a hint of vigi's hiding in corners to tase you. Coming next to Olympus. Stabbing, So we can get more UK people to join the server.
  10. Na got to keep this public. Got to make sure vigi's know that I am here for them. Anything that affects vigi's in anyway I will gladly bitch about.
  11. The best part of this whole video. Is that both of you exploit to get up at 14:00 min. Also most people lose vigilante license a couple of times before they understand what they can do and what they can do to get around getting charges added to them. Also like @ Lucien said, "Or just go pretend to vdm an escort/start dancing on top of an airdrop with cops there." That you can go to airdrop and APD escorts to get lethaled by APD. In the end, have fun with the grind of vigilante. Hammer Of Justice Was Here
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