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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Made my day man! Got to buy myself a real nice SUV with that cash <3!
  2. Any rules on Taxi's I should know? People keep requesting and they just rob me. About done, unless there are rules I don't know about being a taxi driver. I enjoy helping people out, but this just isnt working

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      Well if they don't pay then the cops pay the 100k for them :)

    3. Homeboy


      Ya I think im done being a Taxi man </3 R.I.P

  3. How do you place Y Menu items in Large Storage Crates? I swear I saw it on stream

    1. SPBojo


      you buy a house, then place storage crates in it, and simply press T :)

    2. Homeboy


      Awesome! :) Thank you so much kind sir!

    3. Fedot


      For All Controls its in Map > Controls

  4. 3 Months short of being a cop. Really? Cut a guy some slack will ya.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snake


      No actually, We won't.

    3. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      Server will be here in 3 months :) don't worry it's only 3 months

    4. Mister Miracle
  5. Thanks man!
  6. Hey guys! I've been playing on your Altis Life Server (Mainly #2) for about 3 weeks now and I figured It was time to make a proper introduction Just hit 2000 Minutes logged a few days back, and I have to say I have enjoyed every minute! (Except the times I get busted running *Things*) Currently sitting at 2 Million dollars and looking to bring that to 10 Mil over break I have mostly been running solo, which I find very lonely and dangerous, so if any of you have a gang that is recruiting or your just looking to team up let me know! Would love some company while bouncing around Altis Some quick info on my 'real life' side (I know, like who needs real life when you have Altis?). I'm a sophomore in High School, looking to go into the national guard while getting my degree in god knows what I love playing baseball, and like to think I'm pretty good at throwing a football around haha. My dads in the Air Force, so if you already have that gut feeling of "Oh god another 16 year old" then I assure you that there is nothing to worry about. I was taught well how to act around people, and I am very excited to get to know all of you Also, I recently put in a APD Application, so fingers crossed on that! 2 AM, Engineering Test in the morning, I better hit the rack. I'll catch ya'll tomorrow! God bless! - Homeboy
  7. I barely ever have interactions or see cops while playing
  8. +1
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