I have an open spot for labor dwarf @ The Sovereign can vouch for the good working conditions and fair treatment. You use my gear/vehicle and I'll do a few runs with ya and give you a % message me!
Be vicious, unforgiving and merciless when engaging, greed also goes a long way here make that cheddar. Now if you want rank in a faction or the server as a whole then I highly suggest corruption, these are core values we here at Olympus value but most importantly have fun!
mudiwa is infact a confirmed slaver targeting tiny people (dwarfs of altis) and throwing em in the cabin of his tempest devices, I know this because.... I am guilty too but I swear this is a long time ago
When you build a community based around mistrust, dishonesty and corruption along with a gamemode that involves 'robbing other people' and where 'scamming is allowed' you can't expect the best (reporting of a bug) out of everybody 'no honor among thieves' I mean just look at makos profile banner I think he describes the community perfectly. Now in terms of dedication and work I think you guys do a kickass job at running a server with very little thanks in return. Uhh I don't really have a point to make here and I gotta poop so yeah.
Throw the whole thing away, transfer the vehicle to mayo.50BW and I'll bring it to the chop shop have the mechanic look at it and send it back to you, free of charge.