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About bullet66

  • Birthday 10/02/2002

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  • Olympus Gang
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  1. i actually really like this idea its pretty well built arena as well
  2. i very well could be wrong never did tests just my assumption from how they are but i just think that armor stacking really wasnt that bad the way it was it costed a lot to be able to do it with high tier armors level 3 was just the cheapest
  3. I'm pretty sure it would only be better than nothing with tier 3 tier 4 and 5 I'm pretty sure will still be better than granites with tier 2
  4. im just saying its basically making those useless you cant say it wasnt fun to run around with granits and level 3 or 4 vest but now there basically useless
  5. they really made it so armor stacking is only tier 2 csats granits and all that are basically useless now
  6. oh yup everytime they were taken hostage sounds legit use your brain. what do you think ive only done it a few times this is well over 100 deaths that its happened
  7. you know id believe this if you weren't retard more times then not i see medics literally staying in the same spot I've waited full 15 minutes and they are still in that same spot medics are retarded
  8. they do that cuz yall dogshit
  9. cant wait to see the tage so i can make even more fun of you for being dogshit
  10. Actually a goat
  11. ive been a very good boy this year i require the good Christmas gift from my favorite arma server
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