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Baba Loves America

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Baba Loves America last won the day on November 14 2024

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About Baba Loves America

  • Birthday 01/29/1923

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  1. rip @ crush 7day LOL

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. Millennium


      BMI becomes useless when you get to the point of being considered jacked/ripped/whatever you wanna call it. That is when you look more into body fat % rather than BMI, but for ordinary people the BMI metric is accurate as to what you should typically fall into based on your height and what is considered healthy or not. It doesn't put in to play the % of weight is muscle or fat.

      When you are 5'8 you roughly should weigh in the field of 125-158, given that depends on the website you choose too some say 139-169.

      You're right it doesn't put into account the difference between fat & muscle but if you are still towards the bottom of the BMI scale that really doesn't matter either way. If it were the case like you where it says you were obese that is different then being considered underweight.

    3. Baba Loves America

      Baba Loves America

      It doesn't cost me anything if an infidel hates me @ Millennium hate me more

    4. Elements


      what a bunch of faggot losers

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