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Alert last won the day on August 23 2024

Alert had the most liked content!

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. Alert


    FOR SWAT give me perms to join no matter what even if its full
  2. UMMM @ Xlax how do i get my hour when its full 24 hours before the server is up?
  3. Alert


    Guys I'm sorry to break it to you, but Bicksmall isnt getting unban The reason is because he asked how much it would cost $$$
  4. Alert


    Woah dude dont get too mad now.
  5. ERRMMM why is bicksmalls banned....
  6. Alert is funny guy !

  7. Im gay for you
  8. Guys I’m sorry I was in a really bad place at the time hear me out Please take my ban away
  9. I bought one dw
  10. Yeah lmk the signing bonus yippee
  11. Im going pro in fortnite im so excited
  12. Im just going to donate 1000$ so i get unbanned
  13. I love getting false banned.

  14. You could pull IP's on discord too
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