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Element_ last won the day on March 20

Element_ had the most liked content!

About Element_

APD Officer
SWAT Member
  • Birthday 05/17/2001

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Olympian (4/7)



  1. Landing on that pole better than all of AP

  2. Happy Birthday @ CaloomClark
    Dont censor me again you ape

  3. still haven't gotten my 2 tasers
  4. Happy birthday femboy @ Sevro

    1. Franxx


      hes just better

    2. Doke


      u shooting at ur cat tail in this bro

    3. crush


      Idk if it was me or server lag but sometimes life just gives lemons man

  5. I’ve done what he witnessed plenty of times on here and on C4G KOTH, jump out of a plane at 200m going 300kmh and hit the ground but only get legged because Arma 3 is a perfect game! In all seriousness your whole gang breaks rules, complains when they get banned, calls racism when punished and calls other players that outplay them cheaters and rule breakers filing more disputes in an hour than I do a week. Have you considered the fact that your own ping and desync can greatly influence what you see other players do? The most brain dead way to go about reporting/accusing someone of cheating is to post it on the forums of all places. Unless you’re in KC and post yourself aim botting in your own montage. Get a grip
  6. No combat stance + JSRS + bad aim = recipe to call cheats
    1. crush


      I wish you had the audio man 😂 WHEEEEEEE

  7. Letting the furry defuse is crazy work. 

    @ Benne get naked

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylan Rodgers

      Dylan Rodgers

      What is that UI...

    3. Benne


      why am i naked?

    4. Millennium


      Do you have adaptive crosshair on?

  8. https://gyazo.com/dcf47ad945b0681ea996ea2a962f5bfc


    Fans, CC member thinking its ok to kamikaze people in restraints in an armed plane then try to lie and comp his way out is crazy work.


    wow guys im not gangless!!!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Kregii


      i only message people to go kys when they happen to be a homosexual furry that report after getting comped so it would probably benefit society anyway. also dunno what ur talking about when it comes to nemesis seething at fed, i pay million-dollar tickets constantly and dont cry about it. at the end of the day, Ben summed things up pretty nicely and ill leave it at that. 

      do the world a favor and check yourself into a mental asylum 

    3. Elements



      he thought it was me first its okay @ Element_   I took care of him!

    4. Element_
  9. New Counterparts EP im botta blow up


    1. Badserverbadplayers


      Lol just tell me u haven’t showered in weeks and ur armpits are musty 

    2. Element_


      Some of us enjoy different things and have hobbies outside of arma like vocals and playing guitar, I know its really hard for you to understand having an existence outside of olympus. 

      You seem to be mixing up crust punk with hardcore, the only genre where its fans actually smell horrible as part of the culture because their homemade pants and jacket is soaked in 40 beers and baked in the smoke of 500 cig and left in the sun for weeks then buried before they wear them to the local punk show.


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