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Posts posted by Element_

  1. 4 hours ago, Tyrone Jefferson said:

    This is going to hit some of you as cringe but I don’t care.

    This community fosters a certain toxicity that arises in all of us at some point or another. I’m definitely guilty of this. I just wanted to write this post to apologize to anyone I’ve been an asshole to. I love this community and its members, you all have provided countless hours of fun for me and my friends. Thank you for that. I pledge to all of you today that from now on, regardless of how unreasonable I may think someone is being, I’ll treat y’all with the respect you deserve.

    I’d like to extend this apology especially to @ The Antichrist . We may not be friends or even like each other, but I’m sorry for the things I’ve said to you and hope we can look past them.

    Hope you all have a great weekend and me and my Titan will see you in-game 😁

    Blink twice if you need help

  2. 2 hours ago, -Shawn- said:

    Wrong type of weeb. You would need to contact the head of the furries @ Element_  for more information on the current furries of the server 

    There are no changes to the list of current furries on the server until Furrrther notice.


    • Haha 1
    • Hmm 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Community Director Sov said:

    This 100% had to be staff assisted.  No hot you still have apd and rnr lol.   Grandma Gary is somehow behind this.

    It's ok, he missed the part of explaining what the fuck he is talking about.

    April Fools is always an RNR vs APD deathmatch all day, I tased 4 cops on medics and i ran away with their tasers this year. We had tasers in our shop at the hospital along with the typical rebel shit.

    • +1 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Exterminator said:

     disputing apd (not including aegis or retired sapd, theyre beyond rules) is pretty much always free money

    Almost like retired SAPD get punished when its actually proved beyond a reasonable doubt, not when you are inconvenienced.  

    Maybe you should go get that See SAPD tag fixed before you think you know everything with 75 hours on APD


    this you?

    • Haha 3
  5. 1 hour ago, OG Abraham said:

    The APD in Arma 3 are such cowards, always hiding behind their Ghost Hawks with miniguns. They can't win a fight without using them, and it's honestly pathetic. Anytime things don't go their way, they just spam these overpowered choppers, making it impossible for civilians to stand a chance. Patrolling in armored, armed vehicles that civs can't do anything about? It's the biggest skill crutch ever and just plain cringe. The only counter is using Titans, which cost like five times more than the insurance on a Ghost Hawk. Instead of showing any real skill or strategy, they just rely on their OP toys. Get good, APD, and stop ruining the game with your lame tactics. Thanks for attending my ted talk and remember, tase them and rob the APD it hurts their egos :).

    T4 ghawk insurance is 516k 🙂 

    You spend 600k+ to shoot one down following server rules when we have to follow stringent handbook guidelines, just don't shoot at them and don't drive illegal/armed vehicles. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

    Contrary to popular belief, ghawk gunning takes a fair bit of skill if it isn't some complete noob flying a heli/driving a Frit or whatever

  6. This is an official statement from The Furry APD upon viewing this press release: 

    The Furry APD takes seriously its duty to uphold transparency and accuracy in all matters concerning public safety and law enforcement. Recent coverage by The Sovereign of NBC has raised concerns within our community regarding the dissemination of accurate information regarding citations issued to The Sovereign.

    It has come to our attention that The Sovereign, in their recent article titled Dateline Olympus: Reporter Harassed By Furries, failed to provide crucial details regarding the repeated citations issued to The Sovereign. Specifically, the article omitted significant facts about The Sovereign's repeated violations of entering an illegal area and engaging in reckless driving, actions which endanger both public safety and property.

    The Furry APD wishes to clarify that each citation issued to The Sovereign was a direct result of verified infractions of local traffic laws and regulations. These citations were issued impartially and in accordance with established protocols, prioritizing the safety and well-being of our community members.

    It is regrettable that The Sovereign chose to omit these critical details, which are essential for the public to fully understand the circumstances surrounding The Sovereign's repeated encounters with law enforcement. Such selective reporting can lead to misunderstandings and misrepresentations that undermine the public's trust in both our department and the broader community.

    Moving forward, The Furry APD remains committed to providing accurate and comprehensive information to the public. We encourage all media outlets to uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity and to seek a balanced representation of all pertinent facts in their reporting.

    For further inquiries or clarification regarding this matter, please contact Corporal Element at your nearest Furry APD Rapid Response Station.

    The Furry APD
    Protecting and Serving the People Of Altis since 2023

    • Weird 1
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