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Everything posted by Element_

  1. Landing on that pole better than all of AP

  2. Happy Birthday @ CaloomClark
    Dont censor me again you ape

  3. Congrats on Corp! @ Morga

    furry party GIF


  4. still haven't gotten my 2 tasers
  5. Happy birthday femboy @ Sevro

    1. Franxx


      hes just better

    2. Doke


      u shooting at ur cat tail in this bro

    3. crush


      Idk if it was me or server lag but sometimes life just gives lemons man

  6. I’ve done what he witnessed plenty of times on here and on C4G KOTH, jump out of a plane at 200m going 300kmh and hit the ground but only get legged because Arma 3 is a perfect game! In all seriousness your whole gang breaks rules, complains when they get banned, calls racism when punished and calls other players that outplay them cheaters and rule breakers filing more disputes in an hour than I do a week. Have you considered the fact that your own ping and desync can greatly influence what you see other players do? The most brain dead way to go about reporting/accusing someone of cheating is to post it on the forums of all places. Unless you’re in KC and post yourself aim botting in your own montage. Get a grip
  7. No combat stance + JSRS + bad aim = recipe to call cheats
    1. crush


      I wish you had the audio man 😂 WHEEEEEEE

  8. Letting the furry defuse is crazy work. 

    @ Benne get naked

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylan Rodgers

      Dylan Rodgers

      What is that UI...

    3. Benne


      why am i naked?

    4. Millennium


      Do you have adaptive crosshair on?

  9. https://gyazo.com/dcf47ad945b0681ea996ea2a962f5bfc


    Fans, CC member thinking its ok to kamikaze people in restraints in an armed plane then try to lie and comp his way out is crazy work.


    wow guys im not gangless!!!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Kregii


      i only message people to go kys when they happen to be a homosexual furry that report after getting comped so it would probably benefit society anyway. also dunno what ur talking about when it comes to nemesis seething at fed, i pay million-dollar tickets constantly and dont cry about it. at the end of the day, Ben summed things up pretty nicely and ill leave it at that. 

      do the world a favor and check yourself into a mental asylum 

    3. Elements



      he thought it was me first its okay @ Element_   I took care of him!

    4. Element_
  10. New Counterparts EP im botta blow up


    1. Badserverbadplayers


      Lol just tell me u haven’t showered in weeks and ur armpits are musty 

    2. Element_


      Some of us enjoy different things and have hobbies outside of arma like vocals and playing guitar, I know its really hard for you to understand having an existence outside of olympus. 

      You seem to be mixing up crust punk with hardcore, the only genre where its fans actually smell horrible as part of the culture because their homemade pants and jacket is soaked in 40 beers and baked in the smoke of 500 cig and left in the sun for weeks then buried before they wear them to the local punk show.


  11. He's the highest hour retired SGT WL I know, purely why I mentioned him with regards to hours and not to rules. Onto armed planes, aren't they supposed to be stupid expensive to pull as APD or some shit now? Next thing you know when retired WLs pull armed planes for everything because they can't pull hawks CC will come out the next meeting with "Restrict armed plane use to active Sr. APD, retired chiefs & active staff members with proper ranks." What I'm gathering now is that it wasn't even a discussion it was a "get fucked we're doing it" conversation, so much for roundtables ig. Try not to use a position to push your own agenda on the Mecca speedrun (impossible) (Any %) Actually sickening I'm not trying to shitpost my way of an actual convo but I just feel like its a slap in the face to everyone who has contributed significantly to APD over the years and they get their cheeks clapped for no reason.
  12. Restrict the ability to pull ghost hawks to active Sr. APD, retired chiefs & active staff members with proper ranks Actual L, there are a handful of retired SAPD with SGT+ whitelists that have well over thousands of hours on cop (Boomer as an example with 4.9k APD hours) that know their shit and barely if even pull their hawks at all unless it explicitly requires it, I am curious on the discussions/reasoning this was approved in the first place as this only hurts people who have contributed significantly in the first place as an active SAPD member to even GET a SGT+ retired rank. I can see this negatively affecting JrAPD gameplay in a few ways: 1. Handful of POs and one retired SAPD member with an LT WL responding to active fed, money leaves gold trader in Orca, retired LT cannot pull Ghawk on Orca so basically free money for civs 2. Handful of POs and one retired SAPD member with an SGT WL responding to active fed, bomb blows and civs are holding in dome with no intent to leave after numerous waves, retired SGT cannot pull ghawk so civs can just sit there and milk the fed cancering the cops until the civs decide they want to leave.
  13. Tarkov kappa #2 real soon
  14. I'm getting bored of Oly again aswell, took a month away and its still the same cesspool of chronically online individuals with a personality disorders that just hand whitelists and dep chief items to previously permed cheaters. @ Big Boss Fredo more real than all those fake mfers with maxed out kneepad HP in the APD
  15. Yeah when I was pretty new to the server and didn't know shit, i grinded to T5 from nothing about a week later after that lmao i was camping rebels like no man way before i did it to Aegis on APD (Allegedly)
  16. All you had to do was take his firing pin, blindfold him and hand him off to a rebel or pull the rook out and kill him while he was tased. You can pay off literally every charge APD can add to you except LEO manslaughter, robbery unlawful taser usage, hostage situation, kidnapping a government official, attempted jailbreak, attempted Blackwater armory robbery, attempted federal reserve robbery, aiding in a jailbreak, or escaping jail. Refusing to use your brain is not a defense against losing your vigi.
  18. Crazy how she thinks people want stuff from her in public channels but the people in her channel already are meat riding in the back of the Tesla having a freak off in hopes of getting something. I have been really vocal about this particular personality trait of hers in my own circles and seemingly every time its brought up to her she literally just hits the ego button and says something along the lines of "I did my time in the APD blah blah I can do whatever I want." Like awesome you did volunteer work for a decade old game that no one will care about in your real professional career, it does not make you holier than thou to just sit in channels surrounded by people giving you infinite pawjobs with extra syrup under the table at IHOP. Every time I've been in a pub channel with her its either dead quiet or she simply doesn't want to interact with anyone not in her circle. When I got Corp earlier this year the first thing I was told by @ Hazardous was to not use the UC channel unless you are actually doing UC things or else he WILL come in and ask what you are doing/move me out if not using it appropriately. Yet we have current/retired SAPD using the channel as a shutoff from POs/Deps they do not want to play with along with a certain very egotistical/will white knight for any girl in the channel retired chief that will sit in interrogation rooms and ONLY use group channel to communicate with JrAPD that is online. Last time I checked leadership comes from the top down, you shouldn't be asking me as a Corp to lead shit when a current dep chief hides behind TS join power. As of yesterday Thors WL seemingly disappeared without notice or a reason, surely its not related to Nicole right? Did I project a lot? Maybe, but this all came from nearly 1000 hours of playing online cop so it counts for something right? Where's my SSGT WL with no test?!
  19. Gen 5 19 When Lucas Botkin finds out furfags are buying his products his skinny jeans will get even tighter.
  20. I may have lost it all on the roulette table, but at least i still have my ears and tail

    1. LateWeevil
    2. Lucien


      Glad someone is enjoying the cmod update!

  21. If you guys ever wanted to try Escape From Tarkov: Arena they are running their first ever free weekend right now, all you have to do is go to the Arena website and make an account, expect the servers to be extra cooked in typical BSG fashion

    1. Welshy


      sweating key and peele GIF

    2. Badserverbadplayers


      How much is bsg paying you? You need a hobby 

    3. johnny goose
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