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Everything posted by DylannS

  1. Known scammer do not buy
  2. if my boy isnt giving me the finest MX and Spar 16 Tasers i aint interested
  3. Me to the sequel is never as good as the original
  4. you know your point is retarded when u private ur video
  5. @ dusti do you play any games which require a 3rd part anti cheat
  6. Hey @ dusti do you play FaceIT on CSGO ?
  7. dude would be ballin and possible skinnier
  8. DylannS

    Summer Raffle

    if you win a month of Oly+ i feel severely bad for youÂ
  9. woke up 1 day decided to take over the forum. cause thats what i do


  10. i still dupe to this day
  11. saw a guy waiting for 9 hours to See Senior APD yesterday. shambles
  12. dude scammed my dog out of its treats do not trust
  13. Legend of the Force o7 TapTap
  14. Rare Sov W Post bringing to light the facts
  15. Absolutely mental to see it all in person and to think that we spend way to many hours driving around this place on a game which is actually a real place
  16. a30b do coke Tenkashie Enterprises do Diamonds and make a decent chunk of change from it
  17. cope and seethe cunt
  18. DylannS


    Glad that we finally got the downfall of tilde. all these retards cant handle the results of their actions. Fuck Around Find Out also great to see how low the standard for support are.
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