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Squeeze last won the day on May 28 2024

Squeeze had the most liked content!


About Squeeze

Olympus Plus
R&R Medic
APD Officer
  • Birthday 11/25/1997

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. also where can i see the tier 6-9 ?
  2. i do like your point for sure and i can touch base with you more in ts whenever your on cause i do have a hand full of suggestions to run by you for sure and some questions for sure
  3. yall making 1 spawn license cost 500 renown is crazy make that shit like 250.
  4. Squeeze


    yes the beta just came out
  5. Squeeze


    you think we are gonna switch to ts6?
  6. hey, welcome to the server go ahead and explore around the forums. There is a lot of helpful topics to help guide you through the community and game play. if you need any help feel free to reach out!
  7. Moving on up, I'm appreciative that I got the opportunity to become a support team member for the community!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Squeeze
    3. Wolffe


      Can you log that

    4. Squeeze


      @ Wolffe  lol Whenever you need help feel free to reach out!

  8. Quote of the day "Can I Log This" - @ Wolffe  @ XBlackxBirdX

  9. It’s money Monday, get out there and have a great start to the week! 

  10. i got my 100 hours for medic now im going the fuck to sleep!

    1. Marcus
    2. Squeeze


      @ Marcus we all can’t give our lives to this game and make director okay 😂😂😂😂

  11. The staff team must love me for the amount of player reports I put in weekly lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Squeeze


      well i promise @ -dante- there is more coming

    3. Leslie


      yeah you look kinda gay 

    4. Squeeze


      @ Leslie  Yeah i remember my first time too.

  12. It’s a beautiful Wednesday Morning! 

  13. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/jAEe1dJqYh3ODzP0b?invite=cr-MSxjeUwsMTgzNTIyMzY0LA
  14. It’s a beautiful wednesday morning, everyone have a great day and the weekend is right around the corner!!

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