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Everything posted by Squeeze

  1. What’s some good whiskey y’all drink? or even Vodkas/Gins Etc.!
  2. Good Morning everyone, today is a new day. Continue to move forward and grind towards your goals! 

    1. -dante-


      @ Clashingtin embrace the love, dont be a hater because youll never meet your casino goals

  3. You only live one time. Dont spend it doing something you hate! Chase your dream! 

  4. Great gaming today, Did some bank job with @ clayoregon  and did a hostage situation with my man @ Xlax


    I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week, the weekend is right around the corner! Stay positive, focused and determined! 💪🏼

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SPBojo


      I hear @ monster is loosing a lot in Apex Legends atm, i think he needs some more positivity in hes life @ Squeeze

    3. monster
    4. Squeeze


      @ monster  I hope your skills that you have acquired over the months and years of playing Apex legends, turn in your favor and you out play all of your opponents! ✨☀️


      Get the win no matter what. 

  5. Nutricost, HMB, B-Hydroxy-B-methylbutyrate, 1,000 mg, 240 Capsules (500 mg per Capsule) Nutricost L-Glutamine Powder Nutricost BCAA Powder And then your normal day to day vitamins ! these are the main three I take they have work for me for some years now!
  6. @ Rufus I use to do 4-6 days a week. break your days into Around 2-6 muscle groups. Some workout you can hit 2 muscle groups as to others you can hit 4-6. I was taking a Protein, Creatine/Pre-workout and a recovery supplement! But you can for sure do some searching and trying when it comes to supplements. Some work and some don’t depending on how much you’re working out throughout the week!
  7. Being a Father is an amazing feeling! I’m bless to have the family i have ! ☀️✨

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. N9ne


      I know the feeling! My son @ ZimZim is a blessing. 

    3. ZimZim


      My two dads @ N9ne- and @ T o b y are the best 🙂

    4. buckie


      lets hope ur kid cures cancer and doesnt turn into an adolf or something. @ Ryan  would be put in danger and we'd have to orbital strike your ass

  8. Good Morning Everyone, today is a new and beautiful day! I appreciate everyone, and i hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day! 

    1. Garth Flanders

      Garth Flanders

      Same to you man, Hope today treats you well and may many blessings come your way!

    2. Squeeze
    3. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      bless up nigga

  9. Good night, be blessed to see another day! Hug and kiss your loved ones if you can! Tomorrow isn’t promised, so live your life to the fullest! 

  10. The weekend is here! Take the time to decompress yourself. If times are hard, take the time to find a better place. Reach out for help, that right there is sometimes the hardest thing to do! If anyone needs anything don’t hesitate to reach out! ☀️

  11. I hope everyone is doing well. Let's get some good gaming in this weekend! 

  12. someone might have a foot kink in here. they might pay for you!
  13. I hope everyone is doing great, Friday is almost here! This weekend will be filled with fun and entertainment. I hope you all had a great week so far!

    1. -dante-


      Hope your family is adjusting to the new baby girl! Hope youve gotten some sleep by now lol I dont think I slept for 2-3 days when my youngest was born.

    2. Squeeze


      @ -Shawn-  i’ve gotten some sleep. i’m giving the wife the most rest time but im getting sleep when i can. Thank you!!

  14. good day everyone, remember tomorrow will be better than today. struggling is normal, your struggle could be different then the next person! ☀️

  15. thank you @ Mako @ G H O S T @ Billeh @ -Shawn-
  16. Blessed to see another night and to live another day! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

  17. For all donations should i make a donation support ticket?
  18. Happy Valentine’s day everyone! Have a wonderful Wednesday! God bless! 


    Quote of the day.

    “Do what you can with all you have, wherever you are.”

  19. Just know if you're struggling with things in life, you're not alone. People are a text or phone call away! Don't shy away from asking for help or seeking it out. Things get better! 💪

    1. Billeh


      The first thing on the forums ive seen in years that hasnt made me want to kms

    2. Evannnnn


      Almost didnt want to kms then I saw @ Billeh s name

  20. @ Joel  
    Quotes of the DAY!!!

    "Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."

    "Get busy living or get busy dying."


    1. Joel


      Nothing changes if nothing changes!

    2. Squeeze


      @ Joel You couldn't be more correct!!

  21. I got on tonight for about an hour. i jump in a teamspeak with all senior and retired apd personnel. the first thing i was asked was how my new born child was by @ xsmitherz   . if that don’t speak on the quality of the person he is I dont Know what does 💪🏼💪🏼, much love 🙏🏻

    1. xsmitherz


      Thank you for the kind words! Congratulations again 🙂 

    2. SPBojo


      He told me KYS at some point so idk how consistent this behavior is


    3. -dante-


      It’s not a 1 off either. Almost every time I’ve been in a channel with him since my back surgery he’s asked about my recovery. Great dude. Flies with a joystick which is something but other than that very good dude 

  22. Good day everyone, I hope everyone has a great start to their week. If you didn't, I hope things get better towards the end of the week!!

  23. My daughter was brought into this world today at 1102am 🌸💝

    Im a blessed father!! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lea


      Congratulations! 🩷🩷🩷🧁🧁🧁

    3. -dante-


      Congrats brother. I hope you said goodbye to sleep. Cause she gone now baby 😂 (as I’m running on 3 hours sleep cuz that damn toddler don’t care it’s my birthday lol)

    4. Squeeze


      yeah i know it’s gonna be a little crazy for a couple weeks but my son when he was born slept through the night at two months old so hopefully i get the same turn out

  24. Some absolutely solid guys in gals in the server today! Hopefully there is a good bit of gaming tomorrow cause it’s Super bowl Sunday!! 

    Everyone have a blessed night! 💪🏼

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