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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. i admit it, i fell for it GG, nice troll
  2. You will be missed Fluffy And don't worry, i will keep our legacy moving and stay loyal to the FLUFFY cause <3 it was fun while it lasted, and i hope you will return someday <3
  3. This is an issue that will never be laid to rest Dustin... Unfortionatly this is a serious issue, and a lot of women gamers goes trough this everyday cause boys don't know how to behave around them..
  4. Why don't we focus on the topic in the thread instead of complaining about who's the most salty here... Like he said, he got killed for no aparent reason, no warning by a guy with a rook.. and yes there is so many people joining the server just to RDM and get banned... So instead of being dicks, why don't you come up with a solution to the problem.. if you don't like the post, then why the fuck do you even bother to spend time commenting in it??? OVERLOOK it if you don't like it and STFU on the salt level FFS.. Problem with forum trolls solved
  5. When was this? cause i don't know who you are... and if i shot you that means that you where either stalling or not complying mate
  6. Nope, i told him to do as he was told, he failed to do so and i shot him..
  7. for the record, i have stopped and put my hands up several times only to get my head blown off.. I am a deputy still cause i actually don't care if i get to become a PO or not cause i play cop to have good RP, and i enjoy playing cop cause it's fun.. but when gangs and people can text emergency channel the whole server uptime from server start and til server reset it stops to be fun when they do it reset after reset.. enough said...
  8. I did not RDM anyone the other day, so stop crying... it was all RP..
  9. The PO7 leathal is a bug, so if you have problems with it then go and talk to Hades or posseidon about it.. Deputies can't do anything about it but to try and play cop as good as possible
  10. The thing is.. Olympus server 1 and 2 are RP servers, but there is absolutly no RP in texting the APD channel for the whole server uptime just cause you want to kill people... if you wanna kill people then go play on our wasteland server and leave the RP servers for the RP....
  11. Okey.. People need to start RP more or i am done with olympus... Everytime i play cop all MC does is to text the emerency channel to fight us, and when they get caught they start to preach rules and yell at us for what we did wrong when we are in the right... This isn't RP, it's not even fun anymore, i thought this was a RP server, wich is clairly that it is turning into wasteland with some RP rules... so i am givin it a week tops, if it hasn't become better until then i am thinking about turning in my badge and leave olympus.. Fluffy OUT
  12. All MC is doing is texting the APD emergency channel to fight cops, and call terror in cities, they don't RP for shit...
  13. The issue of never getting new players to stay on the server is growing faster than it should, and the reason for that is big gangs like for example MC are robbing them for everything they have when there is under 10 people on the server... LIKE WHY rob someone who has nothing when you can rob thoose who have so much... I thought this community encouraged new players to come and join us, so why do stupid things like that and bring a bad rep to this community??? It's such a shame that gangs and other players has to go and rob newbies to make them self feel great... Fluffy out
  14. To be honest, it pisses me off that girl gamers in general has to deal with this behavior from boys both IRL and online.... I was vitness to this today while in CIV, and felt powerless cause there is nothing i could do about it but kill the person who does this to get him away from that city, and he then proceeded to break NLR just cause he felt like it... SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE HERE.... I work as a volunteer security guard at gamer events, and if this was happening with me incharge,, the bullies would be kicked the fuck out right away/permed for harrasment towards girl gamers.....
  15. What to do? APD or CIV? Choices, choices :P

  16. CIV or APD tonight, hmm difficult choice

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thomas


      Apd with me server 2

    3. Thomas


      meta game much^ COMP AND BAN ASSHOLE!!!

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      what who's metagaming? O.o

  17. NVM my post, delete it, got the answer i was looking for
  18. THE FACT IN THIS MATTER IS!! When you talk shit to someone online like this on forums or ingame, someone can take it wrongly and think that they are being harassed and cyber bullied... that is why you don't talk to much shit to people... I've been in situations myself where i've had to talk my friends out of suecide because of cyber bullying.. I am saying that for once, think before you speak guys... not everyone can handle a joke
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