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Status Updates posted by Angelphine

  1. Heya, so i took about a 1 week break, i had some stupid stuff going on where a group of people decided to harass me, it was hard to deal with but it seems to be over, so im back on altis, i also started another attempt at making a Vigilante Only gang called "Phalanx" if anyone is interested, im a solo, so i would like to make friends for once and do stuff together, my time zone is GMT+2 so basically same as central europe! i would love to play with other vigis especially more experienced players, im currently Tier 3 vigi.

    1. Skys
    2. Angelphine


      Just a group on like a discord server i used to be on, but it seems its over now

  2. Looking for people to join {Kerberos} Vigilante Gang (Need vigis to play with, hate being solo)

  3. Newish vigi, made a new Vigi Gang calles -SCP- [Secure-Contain-Protect] Msg me if interested, Any and all vigis welcome!

    1. destruct


      I think we need to switch up the focus here and attempt to contain the elusive SCP-9001, the Olympus Vigilante.

      SCP-9002 is even more elusive, the Olympus Furry Vigilante, they are even worse and harder to catch! @ Element_


    2. Element_


      Rumor has it I'm subjecting the Class-D personnel I catch on rebel boat to SCP-9002-1, results in D Class personnel telling me to kill myself.


  4. Looking for Vigi gang, still pretty new , i really hate being solo, on everyday

    1. monster
    2. Kyle


      @ monster  the mafia isnt recruiting rn

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